Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


JEWELRY, ETC. HEs AND Loftis tros. ON CREDIT. A smell first payment of one-fifth the purchase price and the balance either weekly or monthiy lard arranged in amounta to conform with the purchaier' salary. Ail goods delivered upon receipt of payment.

Call or write for our 1906 Catalogue. 1.000 illustrations tto-a daily until 4:30 D. in. Wednesdays and Saturday, until 14) P. m.

r.yos examined free by our expert optician. V. H. A STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. tTlefiffsIEllw SECOND-HAND.

Few Things That We Have. The largest and best stock of registens in Chicago. The lowest prices. No dissatisfied customers. old, worn-out registers.

The best reputation tor honest a that do not misrepresent. The place where you are satisfied or your money refunded 00,00 Call on us before you buy and you will be convinced that we do a we advertioe. CASH OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. THE WATSON SECOND HAND CASH RECHSTER CO. (In() Phone Mein 1222.




A Few Things That We Have. TRUE FACTS. The largest and best stock 0-f registers in Chicage. CLAIRVOYANT'S 1A 3 SUCCESS. --a The kiwest prices.

We A. ARNETT. ''''e No dissatisfied customers. 513 West Adams Street SI8 No old worn-out registers. ON CREDIT.

The best mutation for honest tleatImg pr Aic.eirmannidi Strhset Salaintifn that do nOt MISCaPreSent 7 chaser's salary. All goods deevered UPOn receipt of timt weekly or monthly ard arranged in amounts': The place where you are satisfied or your money' se. traCtatolinsor worweit: led.000nesidlluayss- reeartmlided.on tte before yo----u buy and you will be con- a Saturdays until 10 P. tn. ti Haien, V-11.

11Pyee examined fres by our expert vinced Hutt we do aa we advertiae. 1 CASH OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Loftns dc. 1 0 Co 9 THE WATSON SECOND HAND A CASH REOISTER CO. tine Ph a one Main 1:.122.

195 11 MADISON-eT. tasilil 1-2Enliorg--0 1 JUU Tri'aws i Grn. P. PENT, 211 OFFEES Twrs followitur slightly used niance and Piano Mayers. must be closed out immediately regardlest of their real value.

These pianos have all l-ften thoroughly overhauled at our factory. Any one tookIng for a. atlightly used clan or piano player should not miss this great al: Parlor Gem. R5 00 Wheelock. ebony.

100 CO Davie. tniit.odrartY 125 00 Vote. Sen. ebony, large 125 i-t0 Kimball. mahogany, 145 00 Raines walnut.

145.0d Ar.sua, walnut. late tnotiel 150.00 G. W. Strops, medium size. ebony 150 00 Ettonaturer.

ebony. large 'size- Ihtirt, mahogany, late 170.0d Clemons Crane. oak. 175 00 Itald win, walnut. 175 00 Starr.

ebony: large si set IIS 00 Arlon. oak. late 181.00 1S5 fel HaYton, manage ay. late mn. 190 00 1 rmihogany.

latest style 100.00 Itallet Davis, mahogany (tedium Dauer, grand 195 (al) Hallet rosewood 225.00 Pazolton. white mahogany 275.00 Conover. mahogany. late model 275.00 Knabe. walnut 275.00 liehstein.

rosewood. ')4) Knabe. wadat 300.00 Knabe rosewood 82100 Hnabe. Hungarian ash 350.00 Fischer. grand 830 00 SteMway, ObCtny 27100 Square ptsnos 110.00 on Planola.

mahogany'. of Wench 100.00 White orstil.n. 10 Angelus 125.00 'Oak Angelus. 20 rolls 150.00 Angeltus and bench. 20 rnile 'of Alltifel fall and bench.

20 r01111 of music. Planola. ma hozony. 20 robe 01 160.00 Player combination 300.00 GOO' P. VE'kl.

rt'Ytell Duildirm. 211 Wabash-8v Pia GM. P. RENT, 211 OFFERS THE tolk)witut slightly used VianOM and piano player. must be elosed out immediately regardleet of their real value.

These pianos have all 'often thoroughly overhauled at our factory. Any one tooemg ter a elightly used rhino or piano player shuld nt mis thi great ale oose Parlor Gem. let 00 wee.eloce. ebony. 100 00 Hallet tit Davis.

tresWolnetY 125 00 Voice Son. ebony lame lee ea Kimball. mahogany, are 141, 00 Haines walnut 145100 Aroeus, walnut. tete model 1544.00 G. W.

medium size. leo 00 B. Shaninger. ebmy. large eizey 1 a.00 5 Fahart riathoireare.

late model- 17.9.00 Clot-pane a Crane. oak. large- 175 00 riahlwin, w-alnitt. weloAte we 175 0 Starr. lime el xe 17:1 pi) Arian.

oak. late model 38-soo ate in 1M fel leayton, tat; 190 00 Kimball. tmonarany istet. style t.o.) Eallet ik Davis, mahogane. (tedium else-.

10 90 Hauer, reed 195' to Reuel Davis. roearaea 22sas), Iltteeltne white nvabogany 27309 late model Conover. mahogane. 275.90 walnut 275-f(11 Bechetein. temeorood.

MO 4) walnut. ea, no Knee rinewond 3'2300 Koabe. Huntrazian ash 350,041 Fischer. grand 00 Ste)nway, ebeeny MOO Souare pianos $10.00 un rianoitt, manntrany si bene' It 100.00 tVhite organ. ID 123 (xi Angelus Oak Angelus.

20 rolis llakeer Angelus and beneh. 20 retie' rre Veanei Angelus and hench. 29 3.0e ile of 17r ACCOUNTANCY, INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. This whoa Offers the only exi fit I facilities of S.

PRACTICAL nature for obtaining Instruction equivalent to PROFESSIONAL PRATICE which enables auditors and bookkeepers 1.0 Prepare or the state C. P. A. degree. THE ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF 1111 Chamber of Commerce, 13S Washington-st.

BOOKKEEPING. INDIVIDUAL at day sessions, which is private tuition. STAGE STAGE STAGE Dramatic art. elocution.) vocal. etc.

Vaudeville sketches taught. plays rehearsed. FM an and leading part in all dialects. Plays staged, sister acts originated, espert professional dancing and singing acts taught( by genuine professional stage managers. and actors.

PETER J. RIDGE, Staiko engagements secured for pupils. References. all first class manager a in 127 La near Madison. Circular free.

THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. Auditorium ICongress-st. entrance. NO OTHER BRANCH IN CHIcAGO. The only school in which you are sure to learn to SPEAK foreign languages." ST.

LOUIS EXPOSITION 1904-4RAND rntzn. LIEGE EXPOSITION 1905Hors Concours. Trial lesson free. New term besMs now. Branches In the principal cities of the world.

SHORTHAND THAT'S PLAIN AS Learn the Miles Pitmanto system and earn S'olir tuition while you would be learinng the old Pt la Parnan or Munson: gst our "Free While Learn ing" shorthand and bookkeeping offer: graduating course. evenings $24. Mites College, 211 Lakeside Building. Adams and Clark-sta. REE CORRESPONDENCE course; references required.

For particulars write to J.1... 135 Adams-st. and au a ACCOUNTANCY, INDIVIDUA INSTRUCTION. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. Thte setae) Offers the only existing facilities of PRACTICAL nature for obtaining Instruction equivalent to PROFESSIONAL PRATICE which enb ales dithrs and bookkeepers Le Prepare or the state, C.

P. A. tiegree. THE ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF ACCOrNYANCY. 1111 Chamber of Commerce.

13S BOOKKEEPING. INDIVIDUAL LoSTRUCTION at day sessions, which is private tuition e--- STAGE- STAGE-- STAGE- Dramatic art. elotationd vocal. ete. Vaudeville taught pay reharsd ema ls ee.

il le.1- Ina Part in all dialects. Plays eased, rester acts originated, expert profersional dancing and sing- Mg acts taughtby genuine professional teachers. stage Istartagent. and actors. PETER RIDGE, Stage engagements reeured for eulDila References.

all first class managers in Arnerlsa. 121' La near Madison. Circular THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. Auditorium (Congress -se entrance. GO NO 0THER BRANCH IN CHICA.

The only school in which you are sure to learn to SPEAK foreign languages. ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION 1904-GRAND Plaza. LIEGE EXPOSITION 1905-Hnrs Concours. Trial lesson free, New term bee TM T1 OW Branches In the principal cities of the world.

SHORTHAND THAT 'S PLAIN AS Learn the Miles Pitmanic syetem and earn Vour tuition while, you would be learteng the old style shorthand and bookkeepin Parnan or Munson et our ree ile Learn-, 'IC offer: graduating a 24 ing" course. evenings- Mites College, 211 Lake- side Building. Adams anti Clsrk-sts. VI Ft COBRESPONENnE CLAIRVOYANTS POSITIVELY LAST NVEEE OF THE GREAT REDUCTION. S3 READING FOR SI.


PHONE 2610 C.Attxz, HEALTH. 'SVEALTH IIAPPINRseo trr rONSULTINO LRON. THIS WONDERFUL MAN TPIIP Just what YOU want to know without a single question. Sgt4 prof. Leon by his advice brings GOon removes all faintly troubles and estrangersuuct Leon has been Chicago's celebrated claim) OVER NINE TEARS.

Advice on rcarr'n, divorce. busivess. lawsuits Telln end ut4, you will marry. Restores lost affection. uo'-, overcome your enemies; guides to success READINGS GIVEN AT olxNER BY APPOINTMENT.

HOURS, 9 TO a IbAILT: 11 TO 7 TI STTe'TLY coNn-tDB--14L, HORSES AND FOR PALE My horse. harness. end station wagoix, years old, 16 hands, 1,206 the. Two years ago horse coort $360 so The set of harness rsuit The station a agon boo ou will separate. or outfit for.

fon (.6 Horse better than ever. Hareem and first class condition No trades. 3. H. STEVENS 11E2 4Sth-pl.

or In A's I CARAIAGES stock in America of: Refinished closed Prices froul a- 7 sou. 1 4, ts itlx nS IRGEALNIa A An devre s. Et a 4 coNst0.1.71. TLECl0ANIG.RRETHIA ox S3 Lin OLDEST ESTAB CLAIRVOYANT Pe' MI' PAHLT11.71261Apitm elins Jstw hua'APTbTlhiaTt8- 1 rce, yr one slcal 1 NI fEa 1E1 yA tRr os u. a single question.

Prof. Leon by his advice brings Goott claim, -e on love. te, divorce. busesess lawsuits. Tells "-Lanai- you will marry.

Itestoree lo st guides to en'. overcome your enemies READINGS GIVEN AT --81- BY APPOINTMENTE.R HOURS 9 To a DAILY: 11 no ee-- PreINE'Re STeticerr sok f'ON stile 1 HORSES AND CALRRIA.G--- Es. Feat .7 My horse. harness et re anon wagoit. years old, 16 ban de.

1,200 lbe ee Two years ago rewire PM nr, The set of harness e. The station wagon. List or PARGAINS LYON HEALY'S EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT. Every piano guarainteed exactly as represented. $190Ohristle upright, walnut case; new, $3.54.

SI50Kimbal1 upright. mahogany: new. $325. $190haine8 Bros, upright, rositti case; new. S373.

INPea se upright. mairgany case; new, gliatEmerson upright, ebonized case; new. 375. $200Pease upright. mahogang ease new.

1400. upright. tiaotlized case; new; Ciitio. 75Engle it Schad uprigut. rosewood Cage; new 13' so.

110New York Piano upright; new strt5. Sons upright. bollixed Case $150nterk Upright. handsome Vise: to'VY- 413511- $25GHallet Davis upright EnahganY new. $450.

TLRAISPayment of stin down and per month secures any low price Plow and IMP Twe employ no outside city 11111103 Men do not annoy people in their homes. 'Wo give the purchaser the benefit of the large commission earned by such solicitors. Why pay 150 to 1100 more for a Wan than is aeeellearY Save this sum by taking advantage of our original plan el one low net price--aiiks to alland 1110 ooniznission lo outside solicitors. A handsome piano book catalogue. Illustrated is free.


WARRANTED FOR TEN YEARS. SPECIALThrough fortunate circ*mstance, we obtained at a great advantage aome eastern made full size upright pianos with full swing music desk and rolling fall board in all the various tyles of woods, fancy figured mahogany burl walnut, and quarter sawed golden oak Seat. which we will close out at $135. Payments. $10 cash.

$5 rnorrthly, Including handsome stool and scarf. ADAM SCHA AP. 147-149 West idadisonze Oorner Union-et LIST OF BARGAINS ENT. Every piano guarenteed exactly as represented. 0-Chr 19istie uprigne alnut ca nw wse; $35e S150-Kimball upright.

mahotranr: 116W $325- Ow-Haines Brea upright, rose.1 case: new. fis5-Pease upright. mitte-gallY casP; new' $3341' upright. eboruzed ease; new. tan.

12a0--Pease upright. istahoganY "'Se; upright. eil.ituzed case; new; Ciese 75-Ensie it Scharf uprigat, rosewood caste, new: 13tio. 1110-New York Piano Co upright new strt5 373-Steinwar 41; Sons titright. ebouised case.

Uew. $.550, elau--ateck Upright. handsome vise; new, 11350. S250-Hallet Davis upright: tancY inahogane easei new. $450).

TktflAtio--paymem of slit down and per month tar" anY low price Piano- no outside city sales. V. give the purchaser the bene'illet tri tthaeettraPgeeretar'n Why Fay Sabi earned. by sueh soliceor more for a piano than is necessary: Save thyle 0 by taking advantage of our oreginat pate I 'to outside sollei tors MI low net priee--alike to all-and no commission A 1 handsome piauo book catalogue. 11 ustrated in colors free kiJE NAME THAT GUA PA NIEES QUALITY." LION HEALY, WellASH and ADAMS.

ADAM SCILAAir----ESTABLISHED 1143. MAKER OF HIGH GR AND AND Ups RIGHT PIAN OS. OFItatla FOR SALE het NW EPRIGHT PIANO 'S. SECOND-HAND. There are a number of places in Chleaco where You can buy a 00con1 hand Cash Ttsgistr.

But thrrs 1. onl3r ONE place where you can buy the BEST for the LEAST money. THIS IS THE PLACE. You may think that le very easy for us to tuiv this in our ad, but it will be just as easy fur us to prove that what we say is true. if you will ran on us before you buy.

Every register we sell carries our guarantee tor two years. CASH OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. SECOND-HAND. There ar her of 1 8 In Chicago wbere rou be a aete can UT a eu band ash TtPr I PT. But there in onl3r ONE place where you can buy the 0125.00 giso W.


IF YOU WISH TO SUCCEED IN ANY BUSINESS UNDERTAKING. CONSULT ME. I can put you on the right road. If you desire to win In love. or be reunited with one from whom some trouble or estrangement separates you.

I CAN AND WILL It ELP YOU TO GAIN THE DESIRE OF YOUR HEART. Are YOU tired of being Poor and living a from-hand-to-mouth existence? If so, COME TO ME AND I WILL SHOW YOU A BETTER WAY. Life is not halt so much of a mystery as some people would have you believe. If you had studied snore- into Nature's laws and learned the lessons there revealed you would know better WHY SOME PEOPLE SUCCEED AND OTHERS FAIL. 'There is a good reason.

just the same. as THERE IS A REASON whit water will run down hill more easily than it will run up hill. I CAN EXPLAIN THAT REASON to you. I AM SUCCESSFUL MYSELF. I do not make this claim in the spirit Of a braggart or egotist, but to enable you to appreciate what I can do for you.



THAT IS WHY I HAVE So MANY OF THEM. AND WHY EACH ()NEI RECOMMENDS ME TO THEIR FRIENDS. The All-Wise Creator did not endow you with high ideas. noble inspirations, desire for happiness and return for that great love raving within your heart without at the same time placing within your reach the Means of attaining these desires. If you are in trouble of any kind or not satisfied with your condition in life.

come to me and I will make thie elear to you. I have helped others. I CAN HELP YOTT. Positively NO CHARGE it I fail to TELL YOUR NAME IN PULL. your occupation, what you called for.

whom and when WM will marry. anything you wish to know. NO FEE IN A AND YOU PAY NOTHING UNLESS PEPPErTLY SATISFIED. Call today. teach Clairvoyanee.

Hypnotism. and Personal Magnetism. and develop mediums. Call and learn what gift you posses's. CHARGES POR READINGS ARE NO HIGHER RAN TITORE OP INFERIOR CLAIRVOYANTS.



or be reunited with one from whom some trouble or est rangement separates you I AN AND WILL HELP YOU TO GAIN THE DESIRE OF iyivo.ult tired crasona Ang a from to-mouth COME TO ME AND I WILL SHOW YOU A BETTER WAY. Life is not half so much of a mystery as some people would have you believe. If YOU had studied more- into Nature and learned the lessons there revealed you would knnw better WHY SOME PEOPLE SUCCEED AND OTHERS FAIL. There Is a good reason. th.

4.1 rtn. ma. n'T-Tr'D L. TO a a 111M01.MMW la It( re, ac an ea, tart at it tit( In tot an( ace ice bf tel Ix( Pla Inc 01 be aea ta Diamond Cutters. Jewelers.

nd Opticians. 2d Floor Stewart W. t'or State and Washinston-sts. FOR DIAMOND RINGS-721s AND 104 blue 'whits; perfect; will submit to examination: 30 less than wholesale Dries: diamond pendant 'cheap. Address A MO.

Tribune. -LADY WILL SETA, PAIR WHITE PERFECT earrings, about 614 coot 61.000: 3 solitaire rings. 4 diamond reasonable, Address A C73. Tribune. iff1IRED JEWELER HAS rEW VINE DIAmonds.

lk to 2 kt. for sale at 1904 cost. Address 1b2. Tribune. SELL MY 314 K.

RING AND 4 K. DIAMOND stud: both fins color; must convert to cash; worth investigating. Address 13 76. Tribune. ifiGHEST 'CASH PRICE FOR DIAMONDS; ANY size.

quality. or quantity. Or libera l. loan on same at lowest rates. POE, 84 Adame-st.

PRIVATE party will tall and sell you diamonds on easy tsrms, Address C206, Tribune. ADY'S DIAMOND LOCKET; COST $300; will take 6125 cash; hard up. Address 239. Tribune. I3A RGA TN-CIRc*msTANCES COMPEL ME TO sell 6190 pawn tieket of diamonds.

rubies. and saohlres for S50. 391 Lineoln-av. 61.00 A WEEK. 61.00 A WEEK Diamonds.

Wanbes, and Jewelry. 8th floor, 126 cor. Madison. Wm. E.

Renich a CO. WILL BEY I K. AND 2 IC. DIAMONDS; GOOD quality; bargain. lush.

AddressEt 116. Tribune. FINE BLUE WHITE CLUSTER, COST 6373. 6225. Fine diamond.

cost $400. $230. other barming Diamonds bought. Address fil. Tribune.

AWAITING REMITTANCETWANT LOAN 6150 for 20 days on diamond collaterals; return 1200. Address A 222. Tribune. I WANT PRIVATE. LOAN ON MY DIAMONDS OF pay back 6300 40 days: security worth 6600; confidential.

Address 100. Tribune. OBLIGED TO RAISE MONEY; HAVE 3 DIAmond-s. 1. 11.4.

and 2ti great bargain. Address i344. Tribune. DIAMOND RINGS EARRINGS. stud brooch: bargains.

Address A.1570. SELL FINE IVe K. DIAMOND: LARGER ones: sacrifice. Address 307. Tribune, SMALL DIAMOND FOR Address 128.

Tribune. HIHT CAsH PRIOIII PAID FOR DIAVONIDS and old gold. EVANS A 1116. 42 Madison. Diamond Cutters.

JOIV4011t. 2,1 our Stewart Fl W. Cor Sante and Washington-es. and Opticians. urination.

blue white; perfeet; will submit to east FOR SALE-2 DIAMOND-RINGS. 214 A-ND 15: 30 less than wholesale ere: diarmmd pendant A i el bune, res A 5S -J 1 WIIA, -SELL PAIR WHITE PERFECT errins about ag, eke cost SLOW; 3 solitaire reasonable, Address A Refiniehed hearses. priee front all00 efi to t1.1A Refinished casket wagon prices from $-) i375. Write and tell us exactly what sou get Our list and photographs. JAMES CUNNINGHAM SON co foal Wabash-ar et AN UNUSTIAL OPPORTL, any one to purchase for their on as.

rot cash the handsome high bred trotting tr.d mare. Elsie McGre( 6 years old. high. weight about 1,050 pounds. warranted tr' fectly sound.

kind. and safe; she trate-1413th, In Useless for horse dealers or to call. Also half value for elegant tos binkgy harnets. AnplY owner's residence. la L4 101t, at- near Monroe.

FOR SALE---Wil able offer. very fast bay mare: weight.l.i age, sound and gentle. Handsome Walolorf seats four: extension top surrey. end stag :4 buggy and runabout; all rubber tire; two gant harness. Apply Coachman.



BARGAIN SEEKERS SHOULD ALLOW -TIFITS PASS wrrnOUT AN A PON'''M PIANOS AT wog FRcrs ARE POSITIVELY TEM BEsT VALUES IN CHICAGO, EAST TERMS OE PAYMENT. TILE( JOHN 27.4-26() Wabash-av. A A it.4 3E1) Ell I3LA 1 PO AMERICAN SECOND HAND CASH REGISTER COMPANY. Phone Main 3458 MADISON-ST. WE WILL SELL THIS WEFIK DESKS AND other odic furniture at prices that will make quick sales; largest stock in the city to select from.

Read some of the prices: GO TO R. T. Desk. 1A. oak.

$30. R. T. Desk. zu4 $.27.00.

50 R. Desks. $25. 5 ft. R.

T. Deslos. $15 to $2i5 414 ft R. Desks. 512 to 518 4 ft.

R. Desks, $10 to 815 Swivel Chairs. $8 up. 60 Drawer Letter File 80 Drawer Letter File lcurtainl 50 And other office furniture at that ritn not be duplicated bit other dealers. See us before buying.

American Desk end Safe Cn INS Dearborn-ht. AT THE VOSE STORE. The Von reputation for superiority In piano making has stood unaasailed for over half century. The Foe store belie both Vose PitTIOS and Pianos of other standard makes. on easy terms at payment when desired.

There are many special bargains this week at The Vows Store. in slightly, used and second hand pianos. You moot see end hear the pianos to realise their remarkably low price 'POSE SONS PIANO COMPANY. 248 Wabash -as. ARCHITECTURAL MECHANICAL, EREEhan4 drawing.

designing. geometrY. trigonometry excellent courses in bookkeeping. penmanship, shorthand; neglected education; Mtnvidual instruction; classes day and evening. The Columbian.

243 Wabash-ay. JOSEPH SILVERS CO. SURPRISE. FRIENDS. MAKE home attractive with musie and song; one short term at Chicago Musical Seminary enables young or old play the sweetest music; music that charms; hundreds of temimortiale: day or evening: catalogues mailed.

Stelnwey Hall. 17 Van Burenst M. O. MACDONALD, 'effident. WANTEDMEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; 10 positions for every graduate: top wages paid; few weeks completes; course Includes tools and diplomas; can nearly earn expenses if desired-Call or write.

doter Barber College. bash-ay. GREOO SCHOOL. tilt 1N-ABASH-AV. Shorthand.

typewriting. bookkeeping. all commercial subjects. Headquarters of Gregg Shorthand. which In eight years has been adopted in over one thousand schools Day and ei ening seg.

alone. Write or call for Interesting booklets. MARINELLO SYSTEM, OF FACE AND SCALP culture is the beat and most scientific. We also teach electrolysis. ehampordng and manicuring and guarantee positions to all who qualify.

Terms on application. Address MARINELLO OFFICE. utte 720. 57 Washington-et. -EITMUND MORTIMER.

PROFESSIONAL DRAmatio and Elocution Teacher. Steinway hall. Pu Dile with Mrs. 110 Carter (David Behl ROO, maimtor). Chas.

Freiman, E. H. Sothern. Chas. Dillingham.

and 200 others. Endorsem*nts from managers, actore. critics dramatic agents. MEN IN VARIOUS PCRNM-RID-FACTORIES to want designers and learn the business: earn from $10 to $25 per week while learning; expert- enco um, ULU. ddreas Lock Box Grand Rapids, Mich.

BOOKKEEPNO GUARAN'rEED IN 50 DAYS: individual instruction by C. P. A pesitione secured. SNYDER BUSINESS SCHOOL, 801 Monadnock Block Jackson and Dearborn-ste. CORNET.

VIOLIN, TROMBONE. MANDOLIN. guitar. clarinet. saxophone.

drums. piano. all stringed and wind instruments taught; moderate terms. 61 3 Steinway Hall. JOHN AND CHAS.

WANTEDI WANT-- and city broke dark hay or black. 4 sre; about 1514 high and 1,050 weight; must he stepper and have some specd; In onswerit, full particular and lowest spot cash pciatl, dress 113. '1 ilivoWW J. Ct TWICIIELL. BARGAINS IN 17SED PIANOS.

195 buys on "testy upright. 75 buys Weber upright, 75 buys pond 'walnut upright. 109 buys Chlekering upright. 100 buys Vuse upright. 110 buys Ilaniman upright 1 115 buys Emerson upright.

100 buys new piano player. 1 to $AO, good itit*) up, 5 Steinway upright tn nue cone! Mon. buy new eastern make upright. PAYMENTS TO PIANOS TO RENT. al J.

O. TWICHEL.L. v. 231. J.

SOcREADINUS-50c lir ALT mrsic COMPANY-- Have purchased for cash the enttreeatock, lent, and fixtures of August Gross. 214 Wabash-ay. Purchasers who did not take advantage of OUT sale of the Smith Nixon Piano Co. toek are again offerod a great opportunity to purchase a first class piano. self-playing piano.

organ. music box. or talking machine AT COST. A small pay-. ment down will place the instrument in your home and payment of balance can be arranged to milt your convenienoe.

Corns early aud get the tholes bargains. Open evenings during this (kale until 0 P. HEALY MESIC COMPANY. near Van Buren-st. 284 Wabash-ay.

8lCLAL BARGAINS nZFORID Ilus buyer Arlon upright, oak case. 123 buys Davis Son upright, lilt new. 180 buy Kaaba upright, walnut case. 2173 buys Schuman upright. perfect cond1t1on2195 buya Steinway upright.

good order. $250 buys Weber Grand. elegant condition. We also carry the Thompson. Hardman and Shoninger Hardman Autotone pianos, and Hardman piano players.

THOMPSON PIANO rrs Wabash-v. naztrs BAUER 250-252 PIANO MANUFACTURERS. Legitimate values in high grade pianos. Real bargains in used pianos. Pianos for rent at reasonable rates.



DON'T MISTAKE NAME AND NUMBER. RECEPTION PTENDANCE. yorn FP. LT EIM AT 3E TOO LATE ro 5 DAILY. AND TITURSOCK DON'T office and Residence, IS West Adams Street 518 erice, 518 ATTENTION, PIANO BETERIL We are eonmelleil to vacate our present loeation en Apair.

ir. Our entire stock of over 200 Pianos will be offered a greet sacrifice. A saving to purchaser of from $190 to $1100 during this Call and set our prices; cash or easy CHICKERINCI-CHASE E.ROS. 266 Wabash-ay. klARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINSI Emerson.

$33; liaaleton. Raines. $123: eginan, 115oi, good upright, egman tiush Lane Brce. I3ryant; double noora full; easy terms; rent cheat. JOHN A.

lilt ANT. 24 floor. elevator. 134 and 140 Madison. BEFORE OR REMOVAL, APRIL 1ST.

several Baby Grand Pianos. some only slightly used. as good as new. will be offered for less than the original price. Cash or easy payments.

CRICKERING-CTIASE BROS. Wabash-ay. -T greatly reticced prices. GROSVENOR. LAPRAM CO.

Fifth Floor Fine Arts Euilding. 203 Miehtgan-blv3. Al on pul CoL A NN, greatly rertrerd prices. GROSVENOR. LAPRAM Fifth Floor rile Arta thillellng.

203 $150 nr-ys HANDSOME. STYLLSH, bred fast trotting and family mars, 't Hattie," trial 7 vea-s old; weirlie 1 stands 15: sound. safe for a lady lyI. harness and rubber tired runabout at hall Apply Real Estate, 4IS E. 39th-et near WHY S.PEND 3 OR 4 HOURS WASFITA auto or carriage when our new attachiseak illuminator will wash it in one and wits the water; water; simple and inexpensive; in all lei, erten and garages, Address 302.

Trtert FOR SALECHDAP----NEARLY NEW surrey and trap. to merry also a buggy, 2 sets of harness; all rubber tires ita.e be mold aa I have an auto and have no use fill. Can be seen at $636 Prairie-ay. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE fires IL Tribune. RACINE WAGON AND CARRIAGE co carry a full line of trucks, mete top delivery wagons.

bog and coal introits, it grocery wagons. FOR SALEEXPENSIVE BROUGHAM. torts. cabriolet buggv; all sell robbesql for sale at once. 620 NTorth Cleut-at.

Ems LiverY. Private outfit. E-XCHA NOEIMPERIAL LANDAU, C(ksT fine condition; one speed wagon. lige new, cart; take heavy young saddler. coupe ing away.

Phone Main 3376. TO RENTOR SALEBARN: 4 FLOORs kid each; South Side; can be used for biles, express, storage. or light mtg. now livery stable. PORTER IT3 DaFOR SALEBY MONROE TRANSFER several moves and horses, all Si 888, 811 Sues any purpose: some mitres In foal; $20 up, 7 Halsted.

FOR SALEPONY. TRAP. AND HARNESS. cise cosbiltion; good saddler; reason fore children have outgrown him. Inoulre at Joe Livery.

Clark-Rt. rind Writ-btu-00(1-ov PLEASURE VEHICLES AND BUSINESS Irvons; three years" guarantee; thirty titre trial. THE PROGRESSIVE VEHICLE IRS" FACTURING Pt. Wayne. WE WILL SELL YOU FPLAIT1 factories at wholesmlo dealer's Prioes eit.ts than hand goods: write for our rate, ft8 rrilort BuggY Pontiac.

Bin le BUYS 2.600 LB. TEAM YOUNG ItAPa little lore; good tor country use. fell 14,1 Robev-st trByryy HORSE WANTEDGOOD RUNABOUT BOI.11 for country. C. W.

TOLES, Rothscal.d Pam'. Phone Exchange 6. FOR SALESELLING OUT: BUSINESS, runabou trap, surrey, pony baFIIY, (SS Ifir worth-ay. WO BUT HA NDSONTSH ar bred fast trotting' and family mart 1 R7 rii sehbrt ages: nenonodte: sada snola sdr5 a na at i cid; a thr rs or ua iv: ub been nr. 1.

Laialtl, Apply Real Estate, 413 E. 39th-st near Illuminator 'will wash it in one and 1 a clie.t.-- the water; simple and inexpensive; in all ea, surrey and trap. to rterry also a 2 seta of harness; all rubber ti Stdebaker trap. Splendid conditi 2 on. ruCF(letribbRerbe St7AreLEns.atS-70.C;iliaaPrand.XrciiCe.r-anwsih.NatGl-weELEe 1'.

dtnor es: cad, oTa gr :0 ze A 1 1 i carry a full line of trucks met grocery wagons. SALE--ENSIVE BROUGHAM 17' FOR EXP fine condition; one speed wagon. like no. 17 pe ivy stable. ORTER 17'5 FOR SALE--BY MONROE TRANSEEBT trhcLilinAssdsrenott lRhriallattn aIFotiugtood ea rviesso7isui for LiverY.

N. Clark-a. and Wrightwood-ey ons; three years' guarantee; thirty tart is trial. THFI PROGRESSIVE VEHICLE FACTURING Et. Wayne.

WILL SELL YOU PIT-61-(7! factories at wholemtle dealer's prices date than second hand goods: write for our rani ftk nion Buggy Pontiac. Nia IL S200 BUYS 2.600 LB. TEAM YOUNG little sore; good tor country use. te ll It, I Robew-st. I O'BRIIN i HORSE WANTEID-GOOD RUNABOUT BOIT! for country, C.

TOLES, Rothscal.4 a Caii Pally Phone Exchange 6. FOR SALE-SELLING OUT: BUSINESS trap, surrey, pony buggy. Stai as, i worth-ay. TAKE VAN OR WEST MADISON rkRoR s. IOFF AT LAOLITN, ToRET0ID 5T MADISON SAFES.

DESKS. TYPEWRITERS. We earrr the, largeet and most eompie'e line of OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. both neAw rue tartathd eaaccitoya.d band SAFES. TYPEWRITERS.

ETC. Get other prices. Cail upon us and we will save you money. Chicagq Safe and Merchandise Harrison 4446. 257 S.

Clark-st. NATIONALCASH REGISTERS BOUGHT. SOLD and exchangedWe make a specialty of new and second hand cash registers. Our line of second bend regieters is the best in the world; guaranteed by the makers the same as new. Call and see them We ean save you money.

Only one office in Chi-calm 47-4e Ranthdph-at. east of Masonic Temple. NATIONAL REGISTER CO AMERICAN STORE FIXTURE CO 98-100 SO. Heisted-et. The cheapeet and most reliable store fixture house.

We mei! new and used store and office fixtures. 10 complete meat market outfits. $7- and up. 25 roll top deeke. cheep at $20.

for 15 fiat desks. from $3.00 up. Dont piles the bargains. FOR SALEONE 8X10X12 BUTCHER BOY ILE box. In first CUSS condition; also 48 ft.

Daemicke shelving and bine. almost new. Call Monday. 44 State-at. FOR SALELARGE LINE NEW AND 2D HAND R.

13kkpr. and typewriter desks. No. 3 Oliver. No.

2 Smith Premier safes. office partition, filing devices of all kinds, new and 2d hard. laree.t line. O'NEILL. 313 Wabaeh-av.

Tel. Han 1779.: FOR SALEWOLF. SAYER HELLER BUT-ter cooler. 24 ft. front.

8 ft. deep, 8 ft. high: ice Chamber in rear. Very fire display front; used gbeut two, years; in fine shape. V.

OLF. SAYER HELLER. Fulton and Peoria-sts. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS BOUGHT. SOLD, end exchaneed.

Second hand registers. as good as new. at one-half regular prices Cash or tune Gast Register Exchange. 198 Madison-st A. J.

THOMAS. Pron. raft SALECHEAPCOMPLETE SODA OUT-fit. coneisting of large three body soda ten steel fountains. counter glasses.

holden etc. Inquire 1061 Milwaukee-ay. FOR SALEROLL, TOP DESKS. SAMPLE racks. office chairs.

platform. arales. tailor's Singer sewing machine. etc. W.

S. PECK CO, 212 Market-et- FOR SALECHEAP. 3 10-GAL. SINGLE urns. 5 tables.

20 chairs. suitable for restaurant Inquire at Reetaurant. 112 E. Monroe-st. NATIONAL CASII REGISTEPS.

NEW QUALity. second hand prices: refinishing. by experts. IT. TUC'EHORN 11, CO 2.11 E.

Madison. 13ENDER. 230 TO 23e cote Peoria. Tel. Mon.

1712. The largest store, the best price for all kinds nt txt ore and ex' ts FOR SALEONE 12 DRAWER NATIONAL CAB-the letter nle. complete indexes, and stand, first clams. $0 50. 1611 Unity Bldg.

WANTEDSECOND HAN RIBBON CA 0 and notion counter five foot oak finieb. Address STEELE. 1044 E. Garfield-blvd. OFFICE FURNITURE.

OAK, GLASS PARTI- Hon, bookcase. cheap. 377, Tribune. I FORMER PIANOS. EMERSON PIANOS.

SOLD elusively by J. D. MICHELL. 231 Wabseb-av. FOR MEN PII exclusively FL R.

Kendall, WANTED YOUNG WOMEN TO BECOME scalp apeenalists: great demand for specialists who create healthy. beautiful hair: free instructions famous Anitra Scalp Treatment. Apply ANITRA," Monti-41m. N. J.

POSITIONS FOR ALLSALARIES $35 TO MO. HARMON COLLEGE OF BPIORTHAND. Schiller Building ........100 Randolph-st. Beginning, advanced, and speed classes; day and evening. ELOCUTION TEACHER.

MANY YEARS EXPErience, professional al-tress also. instructs privately al lesson thorough stage or recital preparation. N. Side studio. Kimball Hall or pupils' res.

Addrese A 400. Tribune. GERMAN SOON MASTERED FOR PRACTICAL intercourse of students and other men; CONVERSATIONAL METHOD; evenings; 2 hours, 25c. Address A A.14. Tribune.

xorNo WOMEN' OE GOOD CHARACTER AND education high school preferred, to enter training school. Call, and bring references. Washington Park hospital. BOth-st. and Vernon-ay.

IN SIX WEEKS WE EDUCATE-YOU IN SALESmanship. secure you a position as traveling saleSman with responsible firm. Address the Bradstre.t System. Rochester. 14.

Y. PERNIN SHORTHAND The simplest. most legible and rapid IM shades. no position. few word signs; individual instructMn 704.

RIO Washington-st. GOOD PAYING PROFESSIONWE TEACH YOU by our system of physical development to ears good salaries in a very short time. CH PCA GO INSTITUTE. 119 Ste Not. VAUDEVILLE.

LEGITIMATE. ELOCUTION: plays selected, coached: 20 years Suite 420, 211 Van Buren. Wtd Friday. LEAl'ON. Mgr.

YOUNG LADY ELOCUTIONIST. WITH KEN-wood and Woodlawn class, will take additional pupils for 50 cents each: engageMente for select entertainments. Arldreen 227. 7ribume. SIS TO $35 A WEEK PAID GOOD BUSINESS correspondents.

I can prepare you in three months and secure a position also. Write today for Information, Address 200. Tribune. WANTEDNORWEGIAN, SWEDISH OR DANish girl to learn midwifery in return for light housework In modern Sat. Address F9, Tribune.

PIANO AND ORGAN MANUFACTURERS. FOR wonderful new Invention for the piano write LARS. ERIESON. 176 Sharldast-tev. north.

MInnepoiis )dinn. PIANO ANI) a. wonderful LARS. polls. Minn.

OVERSTOCK OF USED PIANOS AND ORGANS 25 organs. walnut and oak. $12 to $50. 80 square pianos. $15 to $75.

80 upright pianos. 1T5 to $150. Special reduced prices on new pianos. Story Clark Piano 255-257 Wabash-ay. EK)NT BUY OR RENT A PIANO OR PLAYER before seeing us.

One-third saved- Wholesele Moe- Come and eee. Sth floor. Republic 200 Stateat. ELEGANT STANDARD MADE I'PRIGIIT Pr no cost $350'. used seven months; consigned to us to ell for $133; an unusual bargain.

APPERSON Furniture Comniiiiirion 350 W. OnD Phone Monroe 2325 PIANOS AT YOUR OWN PRICEKIMBALL Arlon and many other standard made pianos to sold tor charges etc I early and get a good selection. BOSWGRTH BROS. Storage and Express Co 6103 Wentworth-ay. BEST CASH OFFER WILL TAKE MY FINE Vino tandard wake upright piano: used only seven mouths; have slickness in raMn Yr and need the 41040 LA Sars-st- let fiat.

$145 BUTS LATEST STYLN1 KIMBALL, PIANO. full size. r1 new: terms. 810 down. $5 month.

STEIGER SONS PIANO MFG. CO, 235 cor. Jackson-blvd. SALECASH BUTERS, ATTENTION! Having taken In trade choice new upright pianos, Will sell at lowest cut rate prices. Can be seen bets een 10 and 4 at 11310 real estate.

NEWPIANOS TO RENT, $3 00 PER MON-1'ff; standard makes; rent applied toward purchase. STEGER A SONS PIANO MFG. 23 5 cot. Jackson-blvd. I THE MOST MARVELOUS OP ALL CLAIRVOYANTS.


FRANCKE. VOCAL INSTRUCTSPR. 407 Kimball hall, has the best method of vocal inetruction known. It being the Pen throat method. rarely found outside of Europe.

Re takes great interest in each pupil. and by his method any One can sing for reveral hours without feeling the least bit tired in the vocal oganS I have been studying with Mr. Francke for over ft year and I heartily recommend him aa a vocal instructor and voice builder. ELSIE M. LEVY.

5800 Chicago. VOCAL INSTRUCTIONPERFECTION IN THE art of singing: method after the purest of Italian schools; hae placed hundreds upon the road to success during my past 17 years as a teacher in Chicago. who are now doing leading work in the operatic, church and concert field of today: bad voice made good and beautiful by my method: to this statement have the highest proleasional and private, indorsem*nt. R. C.

CUTTRISS WARD. Studio Sth door. the Auditorium. 'Reception days. Tuesdays and Fridays only.

Ashland PORIIED FOR LADI in Physical cniture and the art of expression, reduced rates if joining now; also Instructions' given to leAdies in their own home. Address A 099. Tribune. ROYALTY PAID ON SONG-POEMS AND MU-steal composition. We arrange and popularize.

Send your Manuscript. Address Pioneer Music Pub. 219 Manhattan Bldg. Chicago. -gINGING.

DANCING. CHORUS ETC. STAGE positions guaranteed. NoticeFailure in other schools specially invited. 127 La near Madison.

Miss Frances bee. WILL TRADE HIGHEST GRADE PLANO FOR music lessons for my three children and a small part cash. or $5 per Month. Addrese 475. Tribune.

PROFESSION'L WHISTLER WANTS ENGAGEmente in musical or amateur dramatic work. Addrestl A 459. Tribune. FIRST CLASS VOCAL INSTRUCTION IN ALL its branches; engagements secured. Addrees 445.

Tribune. MUSICIAN FROM THE EASTVOICE AND Piano lessor's; reasonable: free to person assisting Vetting' nubile. Addrees 120. Tribune. FIRST CLASS VOCAL IN sTR ITCTION, chest method.

half rate for summer term. Address A 507. Tribune. PROFESSIONAL HARPIST DESIRES EN--gasem*nt or eurnmer months at first class botel at summer resort. Address, A 132.

Tribune. GRADUATE CHICAGO MUSICAL, COLLEGE, voice and Mario. having studied abroad. desires pupils. 40c.

05c, $100. Address A 218. Tribune. PIPE ORGAN TO RENT FOR PRACTICE. Jackson 13oulerard Christian church.

Address C. MONTGOMERY. 393 S. Campbell-ay. MUSICAL DIRECTOR WILL GIVE SPECIAL rates, vocal.

niano: downtown studio or S. Side. Addreem 0 170. Tribune. IF or WISH TO STUDY VOICE CULTURE evenings.

I can give lesson at reduced rates. A ddrese 12.1. Tribune. VOCAL, LESSONS. HIGH GRADE.

PARTLY free to earnest studenta: good chance to appear nublic. Addrees 241. Tribune. WILL RENT l'SE OF PIANO AND PARLOR; 50c weekly 1 hour 97flA MUSIC STUDIO. LARGE.

CENTRAL: TIME TO rent. Addrese 257. Tribune. FREE AND GOOD CONcert and church work. Address A MISS LOUISE ELLIOTT.

PROFESSIONAI singer. 001 Cullom-av-Chicago. Tel. Irving ISEIL, IAN TEACHER WANTS 5 ritGINNERSC-23 cis. Phone Blue 2911.

Address VOICES QUICKLY DE LOktit OR CONcert or ouera. R. A. Augurtine. 27 Campbell Pk.

2 BASS WANTS POSITION, EXP. MALMTiiJ ID quartet. solo. Address 202. Tribune.


TOE' WILL '(ES NO SPECIAL LOW FEE u-dt ILA," STEINWAY PIANO. 840: BEAL'TIFUL LIGHT rosewood CASe. Very email monthly payments to reliable party. 863 E. near Madisonav.

Call evenings. MI-ST SELL IMMEDIATELY. HIGH GRADS mahogany upright piano; had but little use and In excellent condition. Also some furniture. Call Monday or Tuerdriv.

211a Ashland-blvd FOR SALEHIGH GRADE, GENUINE DorELE veneered mahogany upright Plafteq 110'W 1st Detember; also 3 piece parlor suit; no dealers. 3141 Mouth Park-ay. FOR SALECHEAP; Vol COUPON. GOOD FOR 8.141 on price of any piano in F. G.

Smith store: good in March Address Id A 26. Tribune. ELEGANT. LARGE, WHITE MATIGGANIE xelton piano and Anorelus piano player to match; $483; original price VI30. GEO.

pEN-T 211 Wabash-ay. ElEAUT'IFUL MAHOGANY PIANO. AS G00-6 as new, which cot S4a07 will be sold very cheap If taken at once; cash or time. 6 hat CHEAP, GIVING UP HOME. BEAUTIFUI: beet grade upright piano, 15048 Calmtnet-av Flat I STEINWAY rosewood eft to reliable ras ay.

Call even' MI-ST SELL mahogany In excellent cc Monday or Tu FOR SALE-1-1 veneered ma camber-, also ftouth Park-av FOR SALEC tir on price 'tore; good ir Tribune. LEGANT.M relton piano $42s; oriirtual as new, whit if taken at on at G. CHEAP, GIV beet grade Plat 1- Cr $144) BUTS LARGE SIBE EMERSON UPRIGHT. excellent condition: terms $lot down. $5 ter moirth.

STEGER SONS PIANO MEG. CO, 235 Wabashav tor. Jackson-blvd. HIGH GRADE CABINET GRAND MAHOGANY upright pianos cost $350; will sell et arty price today rather then store. 1115 N.

Clark. near Fullerton. upright piano: day rather than ton. COURT REPORTER TEACHES SHORTHAND EVENINGS; EASY TERMS. ADDRESS 43 8 TRMI7NE.

PIANO. HARMONYPUPILS' HOMES; 540 hour; monthly recitals. Address 1T4. ribune. 7-; $110 BUT UPRIGHT.

MAHOGANY case; good terms $14) down. 15 oer month. STEGER SONS PIANO mra 235 Wahash-aK. cor. JackPon-blvti BEST CASH OFFER TAKEk3 $75 CREDIT WITH F.

G. SMITH'S PIANO riarto can be bottgbt oaqh or A 274 'rribunz. 2 MONTHLY RENT FOR UPRIGHT PIANO TO careful party. or sell 1100; cost 300, Room 2, up one flight rri wabash-av boar Van Buren. FINE WAIANCTPIANO MARE.

GOOD condition; Suirlay or evening, 14 W. 2(1 fiat FOR SALEPIANO CERTIFICATE' OF F. G. Smith Piano valued at $75 for $26. Address 122.

Tribune. $110 BUT KIM' case; good con month. ST EG Wahas h-a cor. BEST CASH OFF F. G.

SMITH'S camh or Jo F2 MONTHLY RI careful party. ci one flight 2'rl We FINE WALNT'T condition; 11150. 2ifl FOR SALEPIA Smith Piano Co. 122. Tribune.

SACIIIFICErELEGANT MASON mahogany upright piano, like new: or trade fir used upright. 413 Center-ay. CLARK. FOR SALES) CREDIT CERTIFICATE OF Smith Barnes Piano or will exchange, Al-dress 173. Tribune.

WANTEDFOR CASH, A EIR.ST MASS end hand upright piano; name location and price. Arid-ssa Tribune. AS FIRST CASH PAYMENT on aause: price It2.450: Inglance 815 monthly. S. TINLEY.

214 Tacoma Bldg. T. Main 2441. WILL PAY CASH FOR A GOOD SECOND HAND orchestral; must be bargain. Address Tribune SACII I FICEr mahogany ta used upright.

FOR SALE Smith ti Bari dress 173, 7 WANTEDFt owl hand 11P1 2.20 ANT EDPI on an use: PI S. TINLEY. WILL PAY C. orch 303. Trill rqr )1P TB DUI THIS WEEK rHis 1EE 0 NelSOnpens HS TI 31rD WEEK 5uul FOR SALEC'OMPLETE CANDY STORE FIXtures; also cigar case at sacrifice.

Apply 3104 Cotters Grove-ay. FOR SALECOMPLETE LODGE HALL FURNItura, nearly new: two halls. E. NEEBLER CO. 131 La Salle-at.

FOR SALESODA FOUNTAIN; MUST VAnate. Louis Nelson, 1244 Irving FOR SALE-5 FT. ROLL TOP DESK AND chair. Alexander. 72 W.

Monrce-st. FOR SALE--BUTCH ER FIXTURES. (X)Mnlete set, new: must sell. Nielqert. 724 FOR SALESODA FOUNTAIN.

12 lar s. and 6 W. Chicago-ay. FOR SALEELEGANT ROLL TOP 501 Medinah 2'37 Iith-av. FOR SALE() INCH R.

T. DESK AND CHAIR. good condition. Address FOR SALEOAK R. T.

DESK IN GOOD OR-der. Address 224. Tribune. FOR SALEMAHOGANY FURNISHED OFFICE or lea se. or both, cheap, Address A 446.

STO1181 AND OFFICE FIXTURESNEW ANI5 second P. CASEY'S PoNct 4 ith-sv. OF TABLES AND RITCHEN CHAIRS cheap. Colonial Enittins Mills. Ilt37 Divisinn FOR SALESTEAM TABLE.

COFFEE and Ice box. cheap. 842 W. 47th-st. FOR SALESMALL STORE FIXTURES.

cheat, it taken at once. Address 503. 'WANTEDTO BUY OFFICE AND STORE FIXtures. O'NEILL. 333 Wahash-ev.

Tel. Her. 1773.: WANTEDABOUT 50 FEET OF GOOD OAK OF, fiee nartition. Address 377. Tribune.

FOR SALESODA FOUNTAIN AND OUTFIT. 14vuTvter. etc 507 W. Chicalm-av. I idr.

Kendall is different from other clairvoyants because he does what they claim to do. things that are beyond ordinary understanding, things that seem impossible. He gives you information. relief, SUCCPPOI, Ilatisfaction, power, and control of any character affecting any one or anything. Past.

Present, or Future. He tells you just what you may expect and what to do for. your best interests In any matter. He awakens a natural force within you and around you, giving you a secret power to remove the cause of any trouble. influence, unhappiness.

disease, poverty, failure. or bad luck that surrounds you. He opens up a way for the success and happiness you desire. A power to secretly change the thoughts. actions.

habits. or intentions of any one even miles away. PERSONAL MAGNE, i'ISM QUICKLY DEVELOPED, Permonal 11141144iSIn is the magic wand that rules the world. It triumphs over obstacles and brings success in business and social It opens to your vision the greatest secrets of life. It is that marvelous.

subtle. unseen power that enribles you to control man or woman ami to banish ll luck. IT IS TRE CEY TO A ITIGHER LIFE. It sways the mintle of millions and regulates the destinies of nations. All truly great men and women posisees pereonal magnetism and use it.

The rich men is rich because he utilizes thie invisible force; the poor men is poor becauae he lacks magnetism or the knowledge of its use. The PaitWITISLII. the statesman. the lover. all prcdlt by the use of this marvelous force.

DO TOTS WISH TO POSSESS THIS KEY? to the traults of happinese friendship wealth and fame, or will you plod along, vainhe hoping that luck or chance may open the door for you? If you want to be pointed out as a suceowful. self-made man or woman. there is an absolutely sure and simple way. a way that never toile. Mr.

Kendall tells you how. OTHERS COME: AND GO. KENDALL REMAINS. ALWAYS RELIABLE. Office and residence one minute's walk from Cottage Grove or Indiana-ay.

cars. Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.

Sunday. It) to 5. Phone Calumet 6502. gent from other dlairvoyants they claim to do. things that understanding, things that gives you information.

relief, power, and control of anit my one or anything, Past. He tells you just what you to do for your best interests Wilkens natural force within giving you a secret power to ny trouble. influence, unhap- -ty, failure. or bad luck that up a way for the auccess Csiteczloren.e. hAstiotaw.erortiontsecenrtrotanYs SALESktINt.

i ISM QUICKLY VELOPED. ga I is the magic wand that rules the cver obstacles and brin social life. It opens to your crets, of life. It is that mar- sort to banish ill luck. power that enables you to TO A HIGHER LIFE of millions and regulates the II truly great men and women gietism and use it.

The rich utilizes this invisible force; because be lacks magnetism its use. The salesman. the all profit hi the use of this 0 POSSESS THIS KEY? friendship wealth. anti ad along, vainly hoping that Pen the door for you? If you and nda1l 't Cot- 6501 Tn. $2 A MONTI VOCAL.

'BANJO, mandolin: thoroush instruction: pi anOS for Practice. 38. 126 Dearborn-st. Est. 20 years.

AMATEURS TRAINED IN DRAMATIC ART and stage business: quick results; small fee for ,,,1 positions. Address 311. Tribune. VIOLIN. MANDOLIN.

EXPERIVE PANS- taking teacher; pupils' homes. 00o ur. Ades 0 Tribune, ITALIAN CONVERSATION BY ITALIAN GENtletnan: quick results: commercial translating. Address 360. Tribune.

CORNET. CLARINET, 'TROMBONE, BARITONE Instruction. A. E. WELDON Director Welden's 2c1 Rest.

Band, 122 La Salle-st. Phone Mein 4083. LAItlY TEACHES ENGLISH. GRAMMAR CONversation: also piano pieces to ladies of neglected education Addrees 541 Tribune. PARIS UNIVERSITY GRADUATE DESIRES A few pupils, in French class, 40e: private.

75c; pupil's residenee, Sl. Address 530. Tribune. PIANO LESSONS. 75 CTS EUROPEAN GEADU, ate.

gentleman teacher; refs. Address A 06, Tribune. THOROUGH. PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING, id: safeguard Included: investigate. Address A 67, Tribune.

I MUSH TEMPLE CONSERVATORYSCHOOL OF languages, French, German, Spanish, Italian taught by native teachers: trial lesson free. LADIESLEARN SHOW CARD WRITENG; rood pay while learning: union wages Address Globe Institute, De t. 10, Minneapolis.Minnt GERMKNPRIVATE LESSONS. EXPteacher: highest refs. Address 1r 1ST.

LADY WILL GIVE ON patio at home for 50c Address 229. Tribune TELEGRAPHY PRIVATE INSTRUCTION: best city refs. MRS. GLASS, trrn Indiana-ay. WANT INSTRUCTION IN WATER COLORING at my Pt ud 1 rive price.

Address 230, education Ad41441s I PARIS UNIVERSIT' few pupils, in Franc pil's residence, St. A PIANO LESSONS. 75 ate gentleman teact tine. THOROUGH. PRAC1 sa feguard Included; Tribune TEMPLE CON languages, French, taught by native tea LADIESLEARN 1 good pay while leer dress Globe Institute, GERMANPRIVATI teacher; highest ref! MARRIED LADY I piano at home for ro ELEGRAPHY best city refs.

MM. WANT INSTRUCTIC et my Pt ud 1 five In 3, fA, Pe la 'W( 160' elfl 41 eiteli ,,,1.1 'CInt net ext pi Pk 1 um Is tiv. Of i I 1,0 he I lart 1 pea Elm Tr 4i Met lal Obit Pre coupe. ani e. 394 feta 4t.7F7,-1 ph? ER TEA, 1, wr 0 IMPERIAL LAW BEST LAWYERS.

ET toe, and United States Courts: all cases no notoriety; couneet Suite 4IS iraP'i IV Zt Building. 2.1 bot, tans, 741-741 rear PlOo. vot i eta! the, LEGAL NOTICES AND It 4)t Notice Is hereby given that a spec7'a 0 1 flag of the stockholders rs of glewood Lie road Company will be held at the T'Ael company at 47 Chit-Aga i rtig Thursday. April lii A. I).

1906, at the ho.5..., o'clock p. to take under ea upon the quesition of the sale of all of the tat, tile property, corporate rights and At, COTT1OOUY to South Side Elevated Beilrdad 1 ti. n6. caS rN LEWOOD ELEVATED RAILROAD 1 i in PANT I fi FE'S OILIER CLASSIED AINNTE Itiothaar: -comas 0 11 Ti PP rC117 7 17-111 li- 1114 Ira I 1 int Vac, lots It lls 114101 Or tra triclI ths, coupe. ar FOR SALE w.irM.

47 I70-FES A 1:111: 2 Prdcfc't nti 1.1 e2tii towne Ch 741-741 re of the atoc oclock p. road Comp ThureelaY. pcoroompaertnyy. noon the eemeallY i(01 1 IF, 3 0 071 SAFES. OR tat iLnE.

s4near5 R11 oriTsv -st4 s. $95 BUYS 1.300 SOUND MARK. flIOSTY1 ish 1.150 lb. horse: S45 sr wont Soros I- ITA ME DELIVE.R1 horse. Call Sunday morning.

Into li to it, voo, 1 hat 6719 Wentworth-ay. 1 itig FINE DRIVING HORSE. CHEAP: TRAP a. runabout. Inquire Room 1, 555 W.

tad-ot E. I. SALE-CHEAP, tc-PoRiA BEMOvkE, driver's seat; fine condition. 2d Flat, lila thoven-ol. i diet FOR SALE-Di-WORK HORSES.

BROCGS.P spiders, runabout. Ptarhopes, StL a the Ginni! Livery. 27S E. 440th-et. 2, the WANTED-TO BUY FOR CAc13: or coach; state price and address of same I TAYLOR, Great Northern Hotel.

I Inn' .0 71 FOR SALE-CHEAP; PANEL TOP I-101111BI; pert ery wagon. carriage finish: almost nettiole: 1 enut bttsiness. 436 near I FOR SALE-SECOND HAND WAGONS: era, rapress. grocery. bakery.

milk, teasela uirg fee. 2632 Wentworth-ay. i It WILL, SELL HANDsoME PoNY, RIG. 11 or nem. saddle.

bianket. complete. PhoneLoa 1404 West. 959 W. Madiaon-st.

at FOR SALE-1 SrfLISH BLACK COB litql suitable for cab or rroeprs, wagon; 1.20 Its As, i 010 1 mare in foal. T. R. O'NEIL. 22,5 W.

fliica I 4. Alm FOR SALE-BEST FAMILY HORSE 1 max cago: sound. 7 years; lady ettn at dress 34-3. Tribune. I Lite, FOR IllOn gelding: also bav trotting MOTT'.

both WITS-al CHAS. E. WILLIAMS. 237 Sminat747 I A reco FINE DRIVING Kimball runabout Metrittie Goddard: Ret, 1- 4245 Grand-blvd. "Cit FOR SALE-SPEEDY 7 YR.

OLD POT wax'. bon horse; line driver; fearless. Address A 4 i rot 1 Tribune. FiToR SALE-CHEAP-A SHETLAND 1 Yet basket rig. to carry 4 persons: also potty Magi i Whi, Apply 3636 Prairie-ay.

4, fey FOR WORKER. tr; 1 in ti harness: STO. RIEGER, Milwaukee and Fol-V1 i the ton-ave. FOR SALE-TWO GOOD, FULL SIZE STAI-T qua trucks or trade for brick work; also intik rail Ilthi cheap. 550 W.

Chleago-av 1,1 cue, FOR SALE-FINE FAMILY OR BROOD X- Mtn lino driver cheap. as I am leaving eitY, si Hil aero ery Stable. 45th and Mic n- higa7 seeadall FOR TRADE, 2 SOI7ND 5 YEAR I ItI, hOrMell; IrPti, fast and ready to ..1.,1 Won lots of races. 525 La in atabltI 1,1 FOR A gu'l owner has no use for same. Can at 64 :38 Vey' FOR SA LE-RKTCsONA BLE.

TM3.1 MOST r-t i 1 fact single brougham or frAlOn WROV bI CI city, 525 La Salle-ay. Inquire in $200 BI77YS I Yin brougham or station wagon horPe: tato for family use: bargain. 196 Schillecol Gra FOR SALE-WITH HAI-LING. A SING-tt 2, with contract for downtown grocery. APO'.

day. GEO ZELL 563 W. Superior-at .4 I 70qt FOR SALE-FINE BrO-FloRSE, 1 and eound: or will trade for smaller 1125.r4In-Y. 81 2d fiat. -BO seas $50 TAKES NICE IX PLACE COB; WO'-' ten $100.

FRASER. 77 1611 $1 fl, i or FOR LE-DEPOT WAGO TAN- num lleOrik) l41. HORSE; BEAT goddard and harness. 7107 E. 47th-g I lit 1-50-13I'YS 000 L11.

HORSE. GOOD Call Sunday. 210 Morgain----1 1- lel FOR SALE-2 BAY HORSES. 1 BROWN 1 chean. cal Mordav.

2157 Pnairie-syr, FOR SA LE- IM A LLSTA N1.145IT,,-I-P,P., 0,, Tb cart. snider pbatoton EVANS. 1332 mr 7-, Ifax Irtr ST SELT--94 HORSES AND let sPEs 2 r'F' that ing or delivery hopes: tHat. 943 FOR SA LE---5 GOoD COA GGNS. at Bls Park Coal Cm.

79th and .1 ...41 Wo Ir. FITZG --iir: 'Iv to-r-sr-P wr-rt-R 8 1 -101 sosa. cuittors: bottle 4921 Cottage, Ore FOR SALE-CHEAP; HAT4NESS i th, tired huger Address ft 223 Tribune. tut FOR ALE- FAST TROTTING MA I feetly gentle 44 N. Ittav -et.

Phone -i. FOR SALE-6 HEX-VT-W-0RK Wentworth-ay. WHITE tall WANTED-BEST CITY BROKE BUGGY I' i spAl for lady STII will buy. Address A 2.1.6 IriSort, FOR SALE-SACRIFICE; RUBBER-1'111f away. single.

double polo. 3549 ct aen, BUYS UYS 1.300 I-B. Seri-ND STIO STTI' can ish 7.150 lb. horse: S45 expreas or wort torn 675 Austin. near Robev-st.

1, i Wet FOR RUTS A SITITABLEDELIVE-RI ii illas horse. Call Sunday morning. Into li to 1.2. vea 1 I hal fI719 Wentwarth-av. I Ile FINE DRIVING HORSE.

CHEAP; 'TP-ka runabout. Inquire Room 555 IV a lerly1 E. T. I trier k'Cla SALE-CHEAP, tc-mR1A PEMOTkI. diet driver's seat; fine condition.

21 Flat. iii Se. th 0110-n-01. Itse FOR SALE-10-WORK HORSES. BROUGLITT a spidery, runabouts a rhopes, ki Ina Ginnis Livery.

276 40th-et. the WANTED-TO BUY FOR BRO1 1n. or coach; state priee and address of sane 7. TAYLOR, Great Northern Hotel. I Ins; .0 FOR SALO-CHEAP; PANEL TOP pen ery wagon.

carriage finish: almost OM; (It I erno business. 436 near FOR SALE-SECOND HA-NE era, express. grooery. bakery, milk, tea. ali Ogg fee.

2632 Wentworth-ay. It WILL, SELL HANDSOME PONY, RIG. Fil t)r nm. saddle. biareket.

complete. Phone itaa 1404 West. 959 NV. Madison-st. i ''''l FOR SALE-I S'rfLISH BLACK COB suitable for cab or grocers, wagon; 1.20 III, Ao a 1 mare in T.

FL O'NEIL. 2.145 W. ftioet I Alm Ffift SALE--EEST FAMILY la(aRSE TN 1, mat sauna, 7 years; lady can i'a dress 34-3. Tribune. i i Lite, sal 4'245 Grand-blvd.

'et il 13.11"G24);: kn SALE-SPEEDY 7 YR. OLD 110T v-al- bon horse; line driver; fearless. Address A al rem Tribune. i FOR SALE-CHEAP-A SHETLAND -)t'L basket rig. to carry 4 perwmir; also pawlsalai i Whii Apply 3636 Prairie-ay.

,.1 i Oey TICMSEIPO-R SALE-Goon WORKER. 1 la i hare es; $70. WELTER, Milwaukee and the ton-ava. Fort SALE-Two GOOD, FULL SIZE Era rie trucks. or trade for brick work; also stalk Wit 1 Whi cheat).

50 W. Chicago-a. FE: yftoo.nsItRits t.ileno 4 n. n5t2li az'', running horses; very fast and ready to, Won Iota of races. 525 LA, Sal Ifk-av.

in 7., FOR SALE-RE-1-i-SENTARLE. TM1.1 porl feet single brougham or OtOtion Warren hcl ray, 525 I-a Salle-ay. Inquire in rtabi.2., 1200 BITTYS HANDSOME. SOUND. SI.

r- rilti brougham or dation wagon horse: abot'I're' Whi rate for family use; bargain. 196 Sthilleraa, i Gra FOR SALE-WITH HAULING. A with contract for downtown grocery. APir-' i day. GEO.

ZELL. 5S3 W. Superior-st ,,,..4 i awe FOR SALE-FINE BIG noRSE, 1 Mr- and mind; or will trade for smaller cob. Mr. 2i7 fiat.

Dv. Elf.14IltilLjt-ift.CE i I 'ET. SS FOR SALE-DEPOT WAGC.N. STA, Tulin to3FIsNetEniReOrsAtD tIORS-E; (,, goddard. and harness.

71)7 E. 47th-g ,.....4 I let i Vorii-BI'VS 000 LB. Ti ORSETGOOD atA eltli Sunday. 210 Morgainatt, tan FOR SAE-2 BAY HORSES. I FROWN giiI0, 1 chean, al Marilee.

21157 Pnairle-syr, FOR 8 A IM A LLS-TA Th cert. spider pbatotim. EANS. liar 1.1.:,11,:: Park Coal 7eth and Taal Wolr. FITZG A EF LS SrPgrel-RE -fel areaut.

emitters: SI bottle 41121 Cottage Ore 'Le FoR SA LE-CIIEA HARNESS AND tht FddATTFITTAR202TT3 Trvr feetly gentle 44 'May -et. Phone PO 'tin FOR SALE-6 11E A v'T NVO-RK HORt---Ed ar, teni Wentworth-ay. E. WHITE tare WANTED-BES'T CITY BROKE BIGOT i itaN for lady ST5 will buy. Address A Val Fr lit.

A n7r. Austin. near Robe FOR RUT huandaY FINE DRIVING H01 runabout. Inquire 3 Yell SALECHEAP, driver's seat; fine thoven-pl. FOR SALE-10'WOR spiders, runabout.

Ginnie Livery, 27S WiNTEDTO BUY or coach; state brie. TAYLOR, Great sort FOR SALOCHEAP; erv wagon. carriage bosiness. 4:36 eX less grocery fee. 2.332 Wentworth WILL HAND'.

new saddle. blanke FOR SALEI STVL, mare in foal. T. R. or9.59cabV'-cri4gr LEBEST I cago: sound.

7 ye.ars 34-3. Tribune. FOR SA FOR PALERELIAB gelding: also bay tr( CHAS. E. WILI I Kimball runabout 4043 Grand-blvd.

FOR SALESPEED1 horse; line Tribune. FOR SALECHEA basket rig. to carry Apply 3036 Prairle-av TIORSE FOR SALE. STO. RIEG FOR SALI trucks, or drive Burt' Li, F(MR-8 running Won lore or FOR SAI miner hal v.

(Thee FOR SALI feet S'T I eitV, 525 $200 srqa nhAEttuann 0 and troum Indiana-eV. 950 TAKES PIO. FP 9125 BUTS barratry. Fort SA, goddard 4,40 sAu Ln oh Pan FOR SAL cert. timid FPI log or 43P FOR SALE Park Coe Woir.


The largest stock and second band area In the city at the-old stand. Nos. 52-54 Wabash-ay. DONNELL SAFE COMPANY. COWS BIRDS, DOGS, ETC.

FOR SALEFLYNG AND SQUAB BREEDING homers, fantails. dragoons, muff tumblers. eleh pouters. croppers, owls. Jacobins, ieigmy Pouter: mail orders filled.

22 N. Despialnes-av, Oak Park IlL P. WILKE. FOR SALEWE WILL SELL THIS SPRING ill i pair of our White Rock Horner pigeons from imported tock') for squab raining. There are none better or larger.

If in want of tho very best. 'write White Rock Horner Lofts. Hartford Mieh. lemon. and black; -FOR SALEDACHSHUND PUPPIES.

CHEAP; 2 months old: Psidiree: tart Male and female. Address EDWARD C. ALTHEN. 869 N. State-st Elgin, -FOR SALETWO 6 MONTHS OLD THOROUGH.

bred Japanese epaniels. male and female: beautiful. intelligent animals: lady owning them Is leaving town. Address 33 Bellevue-pl. THE GREL, WOOD KENNELS, 6435 Eng.

toy spaniels and Jape; tud im. Kine Charles and Blenheim. Tel. 1685 U. P.

BIRDS AND PETS OF ALL KINDS. DOGS. PAR-rots. goldfish, German singing canaries 22 each; tuarariteetl. VAHLES Bird Store.

45 State-st. POR SALETWO HANDSOME GOLDEN COL-He dogs and five extra fine collie plIDS: cheat). 1829 HOUSE BROKEN MALE BOSTON TERRIER. brindle and white: kink tail: cheap. 82 S.

Austin: DOGS. HOGS. PIGEONS, FERRETS. BELGIAN hares for sale all kinds. 8 cents.

44 nage illustrated catalogue. C. G. LLOYD? Sayre Pa. FOR SALEFINE CANARIES; MALE AND FEmale; good singers.

MRS R- ROOKER. tle W. enth-st CALUMET KENNELS. 6333 Charles. ruby spaniels, Yorkshire terrier movies; Xing Charles.

Blenheim. and Yorkshire at stud. THOROUGHBRED FOX TERRIER PUPS: highest pedigree from champion stock; perfect EtIg: cheap if home. 6207 5th-av. UDELL BOSTON TERRIER KENNEL.

3110 all ages and sexes for sale, out of prize winning stock. FOR SALEPEDIGREE BOSTON TERRIER puppies; 225 pup. am Dover-st. Phone 2201 Sher. INSTRUCTION.

MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SALE ON monthly payments: also violin or ViartO scholarship. MR. WHITE. 1115 Chicago. CORRECT VOICE BUILDING AND TONE placing with physical development; best methcd: experienced teacher.

Address A 681. BAPERIENCKD PIANO TEACHER IA isli beginners: beet method; terms Addreso A 674. Tribune. LADY GRADUATE CHICAGO MUSICAL COLlege; piano, 50c; pupils homes. Address tra Tribune.

VIOLIN AND MANDOLIN INSTRUCTION BY expert European professor. will teach at pupils' residence or at my studio. 172 N. State-st. WANTED RAILWAY MAIL -CLERKSL EXaminsticrn Am-11 10th; preparation tree.

Irranklin Institute. Rrs-hester. N. Y. 'PIANO RAPIDLY.

THOROUGHLY TA.CGHT: man teacher; reasonable. Calle, Address 110, Tribune. SPANISH TAUGHT: REASONAIIL nomE OR studio; exp, natives dill year. Address ress 210, Tribune. V3OYD SHORTHAND TAUGHT COMPLETE El 30 days in best schools.

Only 9 characters and 3 rule. BOYD SCHOOL. R. 9440, 107 Randolph-et. PIANO LESSONS, REASONABLE, PUPILS' home studio, any time; gentleman.

Address 110. Tribune. POSTAL CLERKS WANTEDEXAMINATION Marsh 21. Prepare now School. 1017 Schiller Bldg.

PUBLIC SCHOOL, TEACHER DESIRES PRIvate pupils; terms reasonable, Addrees A 484, Tribune. I LADY GIVES LESSONS; LATIN. ENGLISH, rhetoric, neglected edu. Address 13 272. Tribune.

FIRST CLASS PIANO INSTRUCTION; REAsonabie term'', German concert pianist. Address Ti 107. Tribune. TAUGHT PRIVATELY, PRO- fessional, proficiency 10 lessons, 14 cit exp. as individual instructor.

Address A 2412, SPANISH LESSONS WANTED STATE price, or would exchange for German. Address 142. Tribune. boo, iNG CLA ssrs IN SHOW CARD WRITING Write or call The Koseter School of Window Drwiting. Republic Building.

LEARN TO PLAY PIECES BY St-REST AND quickest method: also song accompaniments. Addrer 174, Tribune. MISS IDA son ulirz. TEACHER OF PIANO forte; Studio. Kimball hall, Tuesdays and Saturdays 2-5 p.

rn. A LADY WILL TEACH coRREcr ENGLIsti; practice in conversation; private or class, Address 457. Tribune. LADIES NEEDING GENERAL EDUCATION get thorough private instruction from GENEVA K. BATEMAN.

3700 Lake-ay. TeL Douglas 9-570 BOOKKE -EPING TAUGHT PRIVATELY IN 30 festoons, by expert accountant. Address 314, Tribune. MEDICAL SCB monthly paym ships. Mit.

VVI, CORR ECT VO placing with od: experienced beginners; bee dreso A 674. Trl LADY GRADU lege; piano, Tribune. VIOLIN AND expert Europe residence or at WANTED ticrn Ai lin Institute. Rr 'PIANO RAPTI roan teacher; fribune. SPANISH TAD studio; exp Tribune.

a7lOYD SHORTI days in bes Mlles. BOYD Si -PIANO Ltsk bort" 110. Tribune. POSTAL CLET Msrc1 2L Bldg. PUBLIC SCHC vate pupils: Tribune.

LADY GIVES rhetto Tribune. FIRST enable terms Ti 167. Tribun.k tessional. pro: as individual tn LES price, or wou 142. Tribune.

ON te'lar ONE neth- une 8 Ad- 0. 161. EX- rank- GMT, p2 0 .1 Rik -Wrg and 3 -at- INSTRUCTION. DANCING SCHOOLS. 127 (SCHOOL.

127 LA 127 Madison-st. PROF. P. J. RIDGE.

America's Greatest Teacher. Miss Anne O'Day. Miss Frances Leo. tRespectable location for ladies and children( (Success or no pay. WALTZ.


skirt, et-. NoteGraceful leading correctly taught to U. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Indorse PROF. RIDGE as the only actor and professional dancing teacher In Chicago.

FRED. J. INILDMAN, Theatrical Agent. School open all day and evening; can. (The only school indorsed in Chicago.1 (The only school that teaches the waltz perfectly.) 127 La near Madison.

Call for circulars. 127 (One block from citv hall. 127 WALTZ. 2-STEP REVERSE GUARANTEED. Buck, jig.

and skirt dancing a specialty. Class Instruction Tuesday and Thursday evenings. RECEPTION EVERY SATURDAY EVENING. LARGE BALLROOM. ELEGANT Private lessons, 10 a.

tn. to 10 p. Sunday afternoon. 2 to 6 (success or no Pays. The Leeda Thornton School of Dancing, 167 WASHINGTON-ST.

NEAR 5TH-AV. Trt-zoN SISTERS' DANCING ACADEMY At South Side Turner Hall, 3145 State-st- every Ttlevday everting; special attention to beginner. Studio. 501 Illst-st. Private instructions.

WALTZ TWO STEP. STAGE DANCING. YAUdeville acts. singing, classes; $1 per month. PROF.

BIRSE. 6o4. 26 Van Buren-st. DANCES 127 (SCHOOL- 12- --Near Ms PROF. P.

America Grs Miss Anne O'Day. lRespectable location 1 (Success wAtrz 2-STEP. RE' 6 STRICTLY PRIVAT Irisn jig. cake walk, 62 NoteGraceful leading GRAND OPI InficPrtks PROF. RID( professional dancing tei FRED.

J. MIA School open all da: (The only school in 'The only school that tes 127 La near Ma 127 (One block fro WALTZ, 2 STEP, RE1 Buck, jig. and skirt di Instruction Tuesday and RECEPTION EVERY LARGE BALLROOM. Private lessons, 16 a. a Sunday afternoon, 2 tt The Leeds Thorntos 167 WASHINGTON-I Trt-z ox SISTERS' DA South Side Turner Tuesday evening; specis Studio 601 nIt-st.

Fri WALTZ TWO STEP. deville sets singing, el PROF. BIRSE. 604. 26 HERRING-HALL-MARVIN SAFE Cai, COD- Lake and Dearborn-sts.

Successors to the original find only Hall Safe Lock manufacturers Hairs Standard Safes; largest stock west of New York. Few second hand. Expert repairing end moving SEVEN BURGLAR PROOF' SAFES: ALs0 CAR-load of second hand safes, Just received; must be sold this week- Ws repair, and move safes. SABATH SAFE 1S8 E. lak-pt.

SAFES. ALL MAKES AND SIZES. NEW AND second hand. bought. sold and exchanged.

Chicago Safe and Merchandise Harrison 44443. 257 S. Clark-fit. WANTEDSECOND HAND SAFE; STATE make. size, and cash price.

Address A 263, Tribune. FOR SALETWO FIREPROOF GOOD condition. cheap: nne large. Will sell sevaratelY. Address FOR SALEA GOOD HALL SAFE.

FIRE AND burglar proof. In first rate order: 2x4 feet square and if feet high. Address A 412. Tribune, FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF HALL SA Practicaliv new for sale. A44refi4C113.Tribune.: VAR-GEST VARIETY OF SECOND HAND SAFES at E.

Lake-st. FOR CERTIFICATF ON F. G. Smith Piano Co Chicago. for $100: '1 take $15.

Addrese NY Tribune. WIL NGE FOR CASH A it.0 i.HE BII on Smith 8: Barnes Piano give beet offer. Address 249. Tribune. kt SALE-A $75 CERT FICATE, GOOD 1-6 apply on purchase of piano on cash or Install nt Wan.

Ai res! 483 Tribune. l'OR SA ONLY. PIANO PLAYER ANI3 loo roils music; lat class 17.1, Tribune. ELEGANT NEW AND USED UPRIGHT PLANOil at $75 end up. cash or easy payments.

AUG. (-moss. 2S4 Yi-atash-av. and 592 ells-st. KEAY A-ND USED KURTZMANN, MATH HE, and Gabler pianos at special prices.

CLAYTON 1r SUMMV CO 220 Webash-av FOR RENT-NE AND USED from month upward. D. IL BALDWIN CO. VVabash-ag. GEts Goon UPRIGHT PIANO.

EABLE-NELSON PIANO 200-202 Wabash-ay. A. 13. CHASE PIANOS ARE SOLD ONLY BY Grosvenor. Lanham 2v3 Michigan-ae gat loon the Fine Arts Building.

Pianos for reeL JOSEPH W. Mfr. and expert repairer of violins. harps. 8olins, and ail stringed Instruments.

A raAcrioN OF ITS VALUE-A S175 purchase certificate on Smith Barnes piano Address (537. Tribune. FoR SALE-PIANO CERTIFICATE ON liable music house cheap. Address 4IL Tribune I bEAUTIFCL UPRIGHT PIANO. STANDARD make; used only few months; will sell cheap if this week.

8721 Ellis-ay. INTEREeTEC0 IN A HARP. SEN5 for our beautiful catalogue and list of bargains. LYON HEALY. Wabash-ay.

and Adame-st. sALerquir.krE PARTY WILL SELL cheap for high grade Upright niaboirauY Man. 3110, riFiT OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING API We can save you or more. ('all and see ItsooN 430. 4TH rwort SICKNESS: MUS'r sra.

MY 'UPRIGHT PI A at a sacrifiee: used only 4 months- 240 S. Cali-. 3r) flat -t ts 44ALE-lialt: F. G. sItt-rm PIANO CO.

S. DILLER. 748 W. 70th-st. WEER Co.

BABY C4R ANC. PIANO: SS-IAP iron' cash Istlyer Addrees 50,3, Tribune. FACRI EicE-UPRIGIIT PIANO: CHEAP: USEllii 3 months. 825 W. third belt.

FOR SALE-ALmosT NEWvICIMPALL klano; $100 cash. 041 So. Lawndale-stv. WILL SELL CHEAP F. o.

-SMITH CO. Li; certificate. Address stlo )RIVATE SALE. ELEGANT NEW PIANO: best make: want trrmev. 577 Orchard-at TS-CIPOssESSI6N Or BEST riAxb ADE.

NEW: need money: sacrifice Addre. roR LE-Pt A CERTIFICATI WORTH on new piano's. Address 531. Tribune, FOR SALE-UPRIGHT -BAR 154 trintheop-av. 2,1 flat FOR SALE-UPRfGHT PIANO.

$410, BOI.I.Eg.: Pismo 1772 Milwaukee-av trirlEAT PRA- -CTICALLY $400 upright piano. cneaW HAND PIANO PLAYER with rolls, E. P. 51:40 Rotelle-et FOR SALE-FINEPUN. CHASE Hackies.

upright cheap. ell 35th-et. FOR SALE-PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION dress Pit Tribune. kUil. SA LE-SCHA A tIPRIGHT PIANO: biacit case-.

Address 334 Tribone. EAUTIFUL MAHOGANY UPRIGHT PIANO; used 4 sacrifice. 1682 Barry-ay. SELL CHEAlt KIMBALL UPRIOHT aim. stillest new.

172 N. basem*nt E'N DOI'S- SA crifIcKThr-fit BE A ful piano: tined only 4 inc. 02 N. Halsted. )13.

sALE-CHEAP; little used. 71 LAMM-et. POit SALE-350 CERTIFICATE ON PIANO FOR 20 A A 5:15 Tribune. pLANo clo COUPON FOR ANY Plano in their stock Address A 287-Tri1une. PIANO: STATE MAKE.

bottron cash nrict Address A 435. WANT OFFER FOR V75 PIANO A 1 q. FINE PIANO AS GOOD AS NEW FOB RENT. cheap. MRS DR.


lAke-ist opposite Union Park FOR SALE-CIIEAP: 7 PIANOS I-CR S-ZOICAGE Storage. 283 Madlson-st, PIANO FOR $110 CASH IF TARTZ.Nt Ats wek 16 11. Leavitt-et. FOR SALE-4 Smith Piano Achiress 21 WILt on Smith at Address 241 kt SALE-- apply on pu plan. A IL fTer.

an- No ram UO. Elt, rob' sTES Vibt BY Atli tati- rnsa R-- 414 tRD tp if Limit. tarly toes f) Nat. and 1917Nc from CO. A.t.

Oros, loon JOEP Mtn doims. ryinno. Iron. imb14 Tribun LEM ki for eheal We 14A 00' a. 'FOR SALEFINE Barkley uprioht, FOR SA LtPI ANO dress Ifti.

Tribune. kUit Atidrcll ii.ILAUTI FUT. MA ROO uPerl 4 montlie; oiterif SELL CHEAP an. almost new. IT WIMIENDOI7 ty, sAcy NI piano: noted 4 )-rB little ud.

71 boffin POR SAIX--450 CERT 20 A A 535 I -AIVITH PIANO ano their A bottmn caffh pr.r1 WANT OFFER FOR A 4tq. Trthw-, FINE PIANO AS GO( cheap MRS. DR. A. FOR SALECHEAP: no W.

lAke-et FOR SALECIIEAPi Storaae 283 NLNIT PIANO FO $kis weit. 156 S. 1.0 I H. R. KENDALL, 22427Michigan-av.

2242 STRANGE POWERS-- GREAT REDUCTIONSI THIS MR. ESTEI3AN VERNE'S extraorelinare clairvoyant powers, combined with his superior knowiedge of occult forces, enable him to read human life with accuracy from infancy to old age. His powers are wonderful, indisputable; his advice reliable; his clear. concise, and to the point in love. courtship, marriage, divorce, sales, wills, Journeys, pensions, in-Vestments.

speculation, property, insurance. mort gage, oil, and mining claims, diseaee. etc. WITHOUT ASKING A QUESTION, without any previous knowledge. and having no natural means of knowing who you are, whence or for what you came, he tells your name, occuptiDon.

He tells you names of friends and enemies. who is true and who is false. Tells whom and when you will marry. giving names, dates, Meta. and location.

taking no tee in advance, accepting none unless satisfaction in given. SPECULATION AND INVESTMENTS. His advice is much sought for by those content-plating investing and peculating. The dollar properly invested today has seldom failed to make the poor man rieh. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE.

The only clairvoyant In the world who will give you a written guarantee to teach you how to lat. cinate any one you desire, how to make your enemies your friends. cause a speedy marriage with the one of your choice. give vou good Wee, remeve evil influences, reunite the separated. develop medium, locate the earth's buried treasures, settle the old eetate that time has placed beyond the lawyer's shrewdeless.

make you successful in your business and positively give you a written restr ante. to compitte your business in 80 days by mall, $1. lust as good as if you railed at the offices. Readings reduced to al for one week. Hours: 10 to 8 daily Sunday, 11 to 6.

Residence. Suet above Illinois Central depot. Consultation by mail with stamp. Cut this ad. Out.

It does not appear daily. Telephone Calumet 18r.6 ALWAYS coNst-LT THE BEST. mmE. RoSA. QUEEN OF SEERS.

80 years Chicago' Leading Psychic. Has no equal in her profession. The first and only registered clairvoyant ever In Chicago; her advice has made thousands happy; it avail benefit you; your name, what you want to know at a glance; if yott are in trouble, need friend. Call or eel REA DINta. 25C--MA DAM ZrNPAR.

11557 tage celebrated Hindoo clairvoyant palmist: tells whom and when you marry. names. east, present, future: reunibm separated. rause marriage. gives luck in all affairs; 0 to 8 (Italia, and Sunday.

Develops pereonal magnetism For read-fors by mail. rend and birth elate. aiME, CLARK NATURAL CLAIRVOYANT; pesitively beat bnoineee reader in city; gives locations and name partners; me on any line; satisfaction guaranteed: midway between faith. Cad. Althlatd-av.

and Center-ay. ear lines: reads flatly 10 a rn. to 8 in. 8137 Locomis-it. MRS.

M. E. CLAYTON, PSYCHIC, PALMIST, and clairvoyant--For the first week charges 280. lel W. RaoM lot take elevator.

Nall' IE E. MORRIS. CLAIRVOYANT, 13 N. flat A. Merl; beEnreitL.

Ttru ibtTuRI.ArNeleiallIbl-e.C214VIRAC)iaTnaA-NavT.;: 11PS. cARD READer, rift of second eight 1ST Erie-st. 9 12 with ht.te noise, di- IC in- mort- ye no oleo-- ra a ea ted. Mine ntem- onr a make I etre ny me- set le the Your guar to eh le ad. PY;" Lv rt.

In eeti atr. aillai.linnere;uana:asartenr A NT; -e tt 10- line; reads a 25o. rr: CRY; er: rift of second eight: THOROUGHBRED POSTON TERRIER PrP: I prize winning sire; beautifully Oakhurst Farm Kennels. Oswego. Ill.

WANTEDDOG: HOUSE BROKE: ABOUT A 3-ear old; short hair; no fox terrier. Address A 340 Tribune, FOR SALEST. CHARLES SPANIEL MALE pup with pedigree: 5 months old. MATE1Edgemont-av. BOSTON TERRIERS.

YOUNG MALES: DAItle brindle. white markings, screw tails: champion stock 2337 Magnolia-av Tel Grace land 3792. FOR SALEYORXbIlIIRES. SKYE TEPPPERS. Boston terriers, Blenheim spaniels King Charles, toy black and tans.

3625 Cottage Grove-tav. LosTON TERRIER AT STVDFINEsT IN THE country: puppies for sale. 3:424 Langley-ay. FOR SALEPOSTON TERRIER PITFIM, Phone Dearborn 3502 ONE SILVER GRAY MALE ANGORA CAT. 3610 2d floor.

FOR SALEGERM Am mAs-rrry noo. 341 W. Division-at- basem*nt Call Monday, t. FOR SALEPEDIGREED ST. BERNARD Doti boime hTn1.

rA Mottlua k-st GENUINE MALE CHIRITAIIVA MEXICAN' FIZP 5 morths A di. llo n'ritoine, BOATS, YACHTS, ETC. FOR SALEMY 80 FOOT NAPTII.A. MADE AT Morris Heights, New York; a years old; full inclosed cabin, mahogariv wood; all nickel fittings: now at Lake Geneva, Wis. GEO.

J. COOKE. 43 S. Green-it. idCNTER-WECKLER BOAT BUILDERS of gasoline launches.

sail and row boats. Main office and works. McHenry. EL. on Fox River.

City office, 189 Washington-st. OR INSPECTION AND SPECULATION would Interest vou. Yachts. launches. and auto-boats and working boats.

A. 0- CUTHBERT. Elston and Wellington-avs. -WE ARE EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURERS OF TRE JUNIOR MARINE MOTOR; I. 2 and 4 cvlmilers; I to 141 b.

D. Ons h. larger sizes proportion. Chas. P.Crouch FOR SPACE IN THE CHICAGO POWER BOAT SHOW, to be held at the ArmorY, April 7 to 14.

addreqs W. C. ANDERSON. 2435 N. Robey-st.

FOR SA LE-27XIS FOOT LA 1.. NCH HULL. GOOD condition. Address 488. Tribune.

WANTEDGAt4OLINE EAUNCH. WITH OR without engine 270 Sedgwick-st. O. HIGH GRADE MARINE GASOLINE ENGINES. Carl Anderson Co.

Huron and Kingsbury-sts. WANTED-18 FT. HULL. MUST BE cheap; fair condition. Address A 14.7.

Tribune. office office FOR wo boate Flat( Wt TP1 ode' FOR 81-1 Addr FOR eoz WA: Wit RIG Ca! WA: che 1 FOR SALE. PRINTING MATERIAL. GREAT BARGAIN IN PRESSES AND CUTTER. 1 rIONV Harris Automatic, I color, 13xI8, with complete equipment for all kinds of work.

6400; discount for spot cash; this is your chance. Miehle 00 size 4.1x66, latest style, perfect condition. good as new, complete with motor and erpeed regulator; will discount S600 from net cash price of new press. or, $768 from rerular price, Neither press has been used 6 weeks of actual running time. One 36-in.

Sheridan power cutter; hand clamp; Address 421. Tribune. A 't SALEFINnotiT IthaiLILT CI. LINDER Trevses 1.2x20 Babco*ck Standard drum air. tapeless.

Cottrell Monarch drum, air, tapeless. 27435 Potter drum. 4 rollers, tapeless. 43'56 Cottrell 2 rev, front deliNerIr. adr Also many others; prices and terms to suit BRONSON'S.

54 N. Clinton-st Chicago. RGA SX32 LATEST MAKE FOLDING Dexter machine. 88300 front delivery press, now running; make Offer. Also Job printing piant at your own price; easy terms.

Address 451 Tribune. WANT MEDIUM SIZED LITHOGRAPH HAND press. stones. for experimental work. Address A 314 Tribune.

THE CELEBRATED MODEL PRINTING PRanii. self-inking. 310 to $35. and see 36 La Salle-st FOR sALETo CASH BUTER, THE BEST pony and 3 jobber plant in Chicago; Pays big. Address 221.

Tribune. FIR REBUILT 271X30 scorr 2 RON topeleas, $750 23x30 Campbell. 2 rev. front tapeless. SnefO.

WA NNETt, 2ciis Dearborn-ist'. FOR SALEA MODERN PRINTING PLANT; type new; cheap; 2223. Address 1 Tribune. A NT atsSECOND HAND 4 RRI PR ESB; on. or two colors.

Addrese 636, Tribune. PRINTING GREAT BARGAIN IN I 1 rIONV Harris Automs Vmpuletn: teluipmtenct Miehle o00 size 4.ix6( dittos'. good as new, corn regulator: will discount of new press. or. $768 fr press has been used 6 we One 36-In.

Sheridan po, Address Pt jresea. floats Babco*ck Standar Cottrell Monarci 2:485 Potter drum, 4 43'56 Cottrell 2 Also many others: prl BRONSON'S. 54 1, BA RG A INlJSX.52 LA Dexter machine. liSzi press, now running; trial plant at your own pries Tribune. WANTEDBY TOrNG MAN'.

PRIVATE INetruction in geometrvt state terms arid method. Addreee 145. Tribune. STUDY MEDICIE. WHERE T011 CAN EARN vent' Way.

Day and evening classes. National Medical N33 Chicago. EXPERIENCED PARISIAN TEACHES FRENCH grammar, convereation. Address NV BANK MANDOLIN GUITAR SOc up.

C. d. ROWDEN. Handel Hall. alINA PAIN-TINGTEACH CLASS PRIVA.TE: or at your home.

Address 4'26. Tribune. OR BEST PRIVATE INSTRUCTOR. MATHE: rnittRIL physics. English.

address 444.Tribune: BEST WC PIANO LESSONS IN CHICAGO. DaT or eve. Chicago Piano College, 5111 Kimball Hall, LEARN MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING AT McDOWELL School. 78 opp. GRAMMAR IN -tun SHORTEST time.

G. S. ISTa E. t5th-st near PIANO INSTRUCTIONBEST METHODS. FREE lek.wons to talented nunils.

Address 521.Trihunel NTTTS PIANO. MANDOLIN, GUITAR, best methods: S. S. Address A PTEN'OH LANGUAGE TAVGHT BY A FARES- tn graduate. 171 E.

224-it. office R. OR EVENEA inetruction. Assay Schou, 1733 Monadnock FRAcricAL FRENCH BT EXP. NATIS rates 424T Wabash.

Tel. Blue 4763 -6-Cic AIT-EASON; PUTNOtilr-VIOLIN; FIR-Tjt class teacher. Address Er 143. Tribune. LEARN ENGRAVING.

DAT AND. EVE. CLASS, catalogue free. Studio 1104 Heywortb PRIVATE LESSONS IN GREGG SHORTHAND given. West Side.

Address A 362. Tribune. PIANO LESSONS: GENTLEMAN; REAR. prices: pupils home. Address 121.

r. FOR SALESMITH BARNES PIANO CERtIfleate. 75. What do you otter tor itt Address A Tribune rolt SALESWITCHEOARD WITH TWENTY connectional; cheap; good condition. THEO.

NOEL 931 W. North-ay. FOR SALE ELEGANTLY 2d0I-NTED zona buffalo head; a Address 220., Tritoioab At, I AUCTION SALES. rm Aucr 1 J.1 SALE-- WILLIAMS. PARKER SEVERN CO.

185187 WA BA SH-Ay. GNERAL AUCTIONEERS. SALES AT STORE EVER WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, 10 a. furniture. carpets and general household goods.

Tel. 210g Central. GREAT RECEIVER'S SALE OF watches, jewelry. clocks. silverware flcireltlee.

will be sold during the next tea ditIrs ut W. near I SALES. near Loomiofrat- EXCURSION AND TRAVEL. HOMESEEKERIr EXCURSION. MARCH el round trip twenty-one day limit.

Chicago to Canadian Texas, 4118.90; all other points at proportionat rates. If you Wint elegant land for diversified farming at $5 to g15. timber or rice land sea us. Oklahoma Texas Land 1563 Monadnock Bloc chicaso, 0E0. W.

BOWDER. Mgr. LOW RATES TO ST. PCL, SEATTLE, DENvar. 10.000 other points.

A. J. 20ii Clark-it. tra, 117zs I I I I A 44 A .1..

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


What is the most widely read newspaper in Chicago? ›

For most of the city's history, the Chicago Tribune has been Chicago's leading newspaper in terms of both local circulation and national influence.

Where is the Chicago Tribune located? ›

777 W. Chicago Ave, Chicago IL

Is the Chicago Tribune conservative or liberal? ›

The paper retained its Republican and conservative perspective in its editorials, but it began to publish perspectives in wider commentary that represented a spectrum of diverse opinions, while its news reporting no longer had the conservative slant it had in the McCormick years.

What is the largest newspaper in Illinois? ›

Top 10 Illinois Daily Newspapers by Circulation
  1. The Chicago Tribune. ...
  2. The Chicago Sun-Times. ...
  3. The Chicago Daily Herald. ...
  4. Peoria Journal Star. ...
  5. The Pantagraph. ...
  6. The News-Gazette. ...
  7. Northwest Herald. ...
  8. The State Journal-Register.

What is the #1 newspaper in the world? ›

The New York Times

What are the top 3 selling newspapers in America? ›

Top 10 newspapers by subscribers and print circulation
NewspaperPrimary service areaHeadquarters
The New York TimesNew York metropolitan areaNew York City
The Wall Street JournalNew York metropolitan areaNew York City
The Washington PostWashington metropolitan areaWashington, D.C.
USA TodayNationalMcLean, Virginia
6 more rows

What is Chicago Tribune famous for? ›

The Tribune, winner of 27 Pulitzer Prizes, is known for its innovative investigative reporting, insightful coverage of the arts and culture, and community-leading opinion writing.

Can you read the Chicago Tribune for free? ›

What if I don't want to pay? You are welcome to read some stories for free. The amount of stories may vary based on the news cycle and time of year. Unlimited access to is part of all subscription packages.

Is the Chicago Tribune a big newspaper? ›

Chicago Tribune

Founded in 1847, it remains one of the longest-running newspapers out of all 50 states. The Tribune is the largest publication of its kind in the Midwest and has won 27 Pulitzer prizes through the years.

Is Chicago a Republican city? ›

Chicago has a long history of political corruption, dating to the incorporation of the city in 1833. It has been a de facto monolithic entity of the Democratic Party from the mid-20th century onward.

Is Chicago a Democrat state? ›

Illinois is a Democratic stronghold in presidential elections and one of the "Big Three" Democratic strongholds alongside California and New York. It is one of the most Democratic states in the nation with all state executive offices and both state legislative branches held by Democrats.

Is the Chicago Tribune closing? ›

On Saturday, the Freedom Center printed its final edition of the Chicago Tribune before facing a demolition deadline and planned redevelopment into a casino. Tribune Publishing is shifting printing operations to the northwest suburban Daily Herald plant, which it purchased in May 2023.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

How many people read the Chicago Tribune? ›

Chicago Tribune overview

The Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper has a daily readership of 1.7 million and 2.7 million on Sunday.

How many newspapers does Chicago have? ›

Two major daily newspapers are published in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. The former has the larger circulation.

Which newspaper do people read the most? ›

List of newspapers by readership
1Dainik JagranJagran Prakashan Limited
2Dainik BhaskarD B Corp Ltd.
3HindustanHT Media
4Amar UjalaAmar Ujala Ltd.
26 more rows

What newspaper is more widely read? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the most watched news channel in Chicago? ›

ABC7/WLS-TV Chicago is the No. 1 local news source and most-watched television station in Chicago.

Is the Chicago Tribune popular? ›

About the Chicago Tribune

Founded in 1847, the Chicago Tribune, is the top source of news and information in the Chicago area and the largest news organization in the Midwest.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.