Huntington Bank Extends Top-Rated $400 Checking Bonus to Oct. 7, 2024 (2024)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Perks Checking Bonus

  • Unlimited Business Checking Bonus

  • Are These Bonuses Worth It?

  • How We Track Bank Account Bonuses

  • Banking
  • Bank Reviews

The promo was previously set to expire on June 7


Brendan Harkness

Huntington Bank Extends Top-Rated $400 Checking Bonus to Oct. 7, 2024 (1)

Full Bio

Brendan Harkness is a senior editor of financial product reviews at Investopedia. He has spent almost a decade researching, writing, and editing content for financial and business publications about credit, banking, and credit cards. Previously, he was managing editor at Credit Cards Insider.

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Published June 05, 2024

Huntington Bank Extends Top-Rated $400 Checking Bonus to Oct. 7, 2024 (2)

Key Takeaways

  • Huntington Bank has extended its personal checking bonuses to Oct. 7, 2024, and its business checking bonuses to Sept. 3, 2024. These bonuses were originally set to expire on June 7, 2024.
  • New Perks Checking customers can earn $400 for receiving a qualifying direct deposit of any amount within 90 days. This is currently our top-rated bank account bonus.
  • A $100 direct deposit to Perks Checking yields a 400% return, which is much higher than the median of about 18% among personal checking bonuses we track.
  • New Unlimited Business Checking customers can earn $400 for depositing $5,000 within 60 days. This is one of our top-rated business checking account bonuses, with an 8% return on deposit.
  • Huntington only offers these checking accounts in 10 states, including Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

Huntington Bank has several other active personal and business checking account promotions, with smaller returns:

  • Platinum Perks Checking: Earn $600 for making $25,000 in new deposits within 90 days and keeping the account open for 90 days, for a 2.4% return on deposit. Expires Oct. 7, 2024.
  • Business Checking 100: Earn $100 for making $2,000 in new deposits within 60 days and keeping the account open for 90 days, for a 5% return. Expires Sept. 3, 2024.
  • Unlimited Plus Business Checking: Earn $1,000 for making $20,000 in new deposits within 30 days, maintaining that balance for 60 days, and keeping the account open for 90 days, for a 5% return. Expires Sept. 3, 2024.

See all of Huntington Bank's account bonuses.

Perks Checking - $400: How To Get It

  • Open a new Perks Checking account by Oct. 7, 2024: You can open an account easily online, or you can request a promo code at the linked page to open an account in person at a branch.
  • Receive a qualifying direct deposit of any amount: Transfers between personal accounts and peer-to-peer transfers, through services such as PayPal and Zelle, do not qualify.
  • Keep your account open for at least 90 days.
  • Earn the $400 bonus: The bonus will be deposited into your checking account within 14 days of meeting the requirements.

Unlimited Business Checking - $400: How To Get It

  • Open a new Unlimited Business Checking account by Sept. 3, 2024: This account can be opened online. If you'd like to open it in person, request a promo code from the link above and bring that code with you to the bank.
  • Deposit $5,000 within the first 60 days: These deposits must be of "new" money, which means money that is new to Huntington Bank (except for funds from maturing business CDs).
  • Keep your account open for at least 90 days after account opening: Take note that if you close the account within 180 days you must pay an early account closing fee.
  • Earn the $400 bonus: Once you meet the requirements, the bonus will be deposited into your business checking account within 14 days.

Are Huntington Bank Bonuses Worth It?

Although Huntington Bank only offers checking accounts in 10 states, these bank bonuses are worth pursuing if you're eligible.

Huntington Bank provides regional banking services in select states. Only residents of the following states can open a Huntington Bank personal or business checking account: Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, or Wisconsin.

The Perks Checking account offer is great for two reasons. At $400, it's better than the median value of $300 among personal checking account bonuses we track. And where most banks require a certain amount for the direct deposit, Huntington has no minimum requirement. It could be as small as $1. That means the bonus could be several times larger than the amount deposited, which is quite rare (and the opposite of most other checking account bonuses). A $100 direct deposit to Perks Checking yields a 400% return, for instance. Compare that to the median return on deposit for personal checking promotions, which is just 18%.

The Unlimited Business Checking promotion, while not quite as valuable overall as the Perks Checking offer, is good compared to most business checking bonuses. The bonus amount ($400) is a bit better than the median value of $350 among business checking bonuses we track. And the return on deposit, at 8%, is double the median return of 4%. So this offer is worth considering if you live in an eligible state and you're in the market for a new business checking account.

We track bank bonuses daily. Through our research, we’ve found the median bank bonus to be $300. We only write about bank bonuses that are at least as high as this median, and that are a 10% or better return on your deposit, to ensure you get a good deal.

How We Track Bank Account Bonuses

Every business day, Investopedia tracks 23 banks and the current, new, extended, and expired account bonuses they offer customers. Banks are chosen based on consumer interest and we add banks to our list as needed to ensure we're always reporting on the best bank bonuses. We update our picks for the best bank account bonuses, the best checking account bonuses, and the best savings account bonuses as needed, chosen based on bonus amounts, bonus requirements, and account features. We aim to provide you with news about checking and savings account bonus offers so you can take advantage of them as soon as possible.

Article Sources

Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy.

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The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where listings appear. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace.




Huntington Bank Extends Top-Rated $400 Checking Bonus to Oct. 7, 2024 (2024)
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