C2 Dally News Thursday. September 30. 1 999 ISxmvMm 1 CROSSWORD fc SlOlDl I ummaqua TlAlB LjTAd RS A "ZT JIUIR YJR KS 0 "lB i CHIP AE AJOWE I DDL EjR tw eTd aIsisIt TIP Cm "1 EInT howl R.lJLiR. 1 VLTTn sTTd "If God uses a computer to upload the sun every morning, this Y2K thing could rum my tan! "It's better than audio books, TV or the Internet. If called reading." IAE I Yesterday's answer JOSEPH, DOWN 1 Fad 2 -Iliad" author 3 Steer clear of 4 Mideast topper 5 Japanese volcano 6 Alpine goat 7 Words of apology 8 Wine experts 9 Mounts 11 Second stories 17 Can.
neighbor 19Shiverer's sound ltitUSH ITE II rN Art WlNNEJ SPEECH, Co ITMANKAVC3PTONEKTATTH6 fc OK END 30 -2001 computer 33 Sky shade 34 Gnat's cousin 35 Velocity 37 Magician's prop 38 Finishes 42 Struck out 22 Complication 24 Cream-filled roll 25 Leader of the Ismailis 27 Oxygen: prefix 28 Kitchen appliance i 1 1 It; rv.i t-7 np V7 I lit 1 A-fV TU r-7 1 l. By THOMAS ACROSS 1 Bistro VIP 5 Punch 10 Wanders 12 Sub 13 Stun 14 Governor Ventura 15 Brit's last letter 16 Cervantes hero 18 Antarctic volcano 20 Blushing 21 Harvest al. 24 Athlete Lewis 26 Sunbeams 28 Bender 29 Oxford, e.g. 31 Actress O'Connor 32 Vietnam Creighton 36 Old desk item 39 Close, in a way 40 "Over 41 Radiate 43 African grazer 44 Unite 45 Peels 46 Title paper it--k Oclciit2C ialJ 1 1 WE WZHT to THAT HAvE sA 1 1 5 6 7 A 9 T5 iT 12 13 14 T5 17 ll 5T 25 2T 22 53 2T25" 26 28 29 30 3T ST" 33 134 I3T" 36 3nT 39 40 141 42 44 4 ggjl li THIS KETCHUP AU, IT NEEDS IS I I I I SWOOX NOW I'LL HAVE WOTT COME ts A WWACK OH THE CJ )JT TO WAIT UMTIL NEXT 5 r-S BOTTOM tOSS WBE BEFOGE I AS HIM HaaafB I WHAT THE5E ARE 1 1 RA5BIT5 YM0W 00 1 1 THEy I I CAN'T ARE YOU RABBITS P0N'T5WIN6THEY 6ET DRAU) HOPPING PRAU1IN6 5WIN6IN6 THR0U6H WHERE THE wwnurn NOW7 THR0U6H THE TREES 1 LOANT TO -plSJ z60 1 11 1 1 IGEEGBiaBgtTi-VVEliai IF yOORMDM P065MT CUT OFF VOOR TV AMO AUOVWNCe.THEN UPHR RPCW.30HM MOM A6KEPy001 i my I to vioi o-mA ram ytoi if TlDVUPVOORROOM 1 1 vnvry. i 1jiL.i A i -te I i i 1 1 AXYDLB AAXR isLONGFELLOW One letter stands for another.
In this sample, A is used for the three Us, for the two O's, etc. Single letters, apostrophes, the length and formation of the words are all hints. Each day the code letters are different. 9-30 CRYPTOQUOTE VKFXYXDXQM XI NLK QVVCKQDLJI JBJCW HOJIYXKM NXYL tKat' fart I JBJMI Yesterday's Cryptoquote: I BEGAN AT THE TOP AND I'VE BEEN WORKING MY WAY DOWN EVER SINCE. ORSON WELLES ith Omar Sharif Tannah Hirsch 1997 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
WHOSE SLAM? -nuiiiii 1 1 i' 1 i Neither vulnerable. East deals. THE PREViCUS HAVE BLU DiLO. that? AWT. Rock.
lPl4i-UVED PE.TS. it wender what Bcy. do I tel queasy. ItN mustV ben something 0 I the defense. This was the bidding at the other table: EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH 4 Pass 4NT Pass 60 Pass Pass Pass The preemptive four-spade opening had more going for it, and here it kept the enemy out of the auction.
West's four no trump was not designed to find out whether East-West could make slam. Since a preempt denies a holding that includes two aces, West knew there was no slam. But it was likely that the hand belonged to the opponents, and West chose the bid to give an impression of strength, intending to pass the likely response of five diamonds. But East responded six diamonds, showing one ace and a void by partnership agreement, and that became the final contract. Our choice of opening lead would have been the ace in the shorter suit -hearts.
But that would have spoiled a great bridge yarn. South chose to open the ace of clubs, and the roof fell in. Declarer ruffed, crossed to the ace of diamonds, drawing both outstanding trumps, and ruffed dummy's remaining club. A heart was discarded on a high spade, and declarer cheerfully conceded a heart to claim 12 tricks. NORTH A Void KJ9632 .0 10 KJ10 9 63 WEST EAST 10 AK865432 5 4 OAKQJ86420 973 Q7 Void SOUTH J97 (5AQ7 0 5 A85 4 2 The bidding: EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH 1 2 20 2 4A Pass Pass 5 5 Dbl Pass 6 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Ace of It is not unusual, on distributional hands, to find that both North-South and East-West can make game.
It is much rarer for a team to score up a slam in both directions! This deal is from a National Swiss Teams Championship. At the table where this competitive auction occurred, there was little to the play. West led the ace of diamonds, and that was the only trick for i I'LL NEVER MM I I'M I IP I HAP Mt PANTS RUN UP THE FLAGPOLE EVERV RAM I'R REMEMBER IT, TOO.